Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Well, you knew it was only a matter of time before he opened his big mouth...
Burke: Flames could move without new rink - Article - TSN
did he use 25 cents and a payphone again?
Well, you knew it was only a matter of time before he opened his big mouth...
Burke: Flames could move without new rink - Article - TSN
did he use 25 cents and a payphone again?
I don't know that reference, but I'm sure it's good.
I think the people you left behind in Calgary feel likewise.It likely has a lot to do with the fact that I'm now coming up on 9 years since I moved away from Calgary and that I'm becoming an old curmudgeon, but if the Flames were to up and leave Calgary, I don't think I would miss them very much. I liked the team under the ownership of character guys like Harley Hotchkiss and the Seaman brothers, but Murray Edwards and Ken King are definitely not cut from the same cloth.
Whoever said this.
did he use 25 cents and a payphone again?
Maybe it's nothing but, maybe not. The Flames switched their ECHL affiliate to Kansas City. Kansas City, the 30th-largest metro area in the US, one of the few of the 30 largest metros without either an NHL or NBA team and one with a relatively-modern arena that isn't in use by a major sports league.
Calgary Flames Switch E.C.H.L. Affiliate from Adirondack to Kansas City
Brian Burke would shit.They should try to pass the same legislation here in the Great White North...
Bill aims at halting taxpayer-funded stadiums
Brian Burke would shit.