Stance: Goofy
Okay Blue Jackets, time to take the Oilers to the woodshed tonight.
I cannot describe how happy I would be with another 8 point night in that building from Sammy.
And Murray
Okay Blue Jackets, time to take the Oilers to the woodshed tonight.
You could probably replace 'Jackets' with 'Habs' and write pretty much the same article.
Yeah but they were Kings shots. Those only count as 2/3 a shot each.44 saves on 46 shots for the Tobasco Kid? Am I being trolled?
/if they keep this up they're going to win the President's Trophy.
44 saves on 46 shots for the Tobasco Kid? Am I being trolled?
/if they keep this up they're going to win the President's Trophy.
Yeah but they were Kings shots. Those only count as 2/3 a shot each.
Carter with 2 and a third goals
Love his reaction to the booing. He seems to play his best games there. The smile before his shootout classicShush. Don't jinx us.
Fuck Jeff Carter
Jackets had no business even being in that game, let alone winning it. But after years and years of losing games they should have won, I will take winning one you should have lost.
Love his reaction to the booing. He seems to play his best games there. The smile before his shootout classic
Love his reaction to the booing. He seems to play his best games there. The smile before his shootout classic
Damn autocorrectYou misspelled "repulsive".
Kinda like this...