Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
lifes gone sideways for this guy 

lifes gone sideways for this guy
This actually happened at a party in my last year of high school. One guy got so drunk he was sick on one of the hosts' couch. He got it all on his clothes too and decided to put them in the wash right there and then. He was walking around in his underwear looking for temporary replacements when the hosts found out about the couch. They kicked him out in his boxers.
It was -15 to -20 degrees.
Buddy slept in a BBQ cover and made a little snow cave for the rest of the night and was no worse for wear. Pretty smart for a guy who was that shit-faced, IMO.
Followed by the rename of the EPA to the Exxon Protection Agency.Well, I figure you have to drain the swamp before you start drilling, am I right?
Trump to tap fossil fuel advocate Scott Pruitt to lead EPA
This is good. The Don is basically paving the way for the future The Rock/Stone Cold presidential ticket.
This is good. The Don is basically paving the way for the future The Rock/Stone Cold presidential ticket.
Yes, I can't wait for the immortal words "I'm going to take the First Amendment, turn it sideways, and shove it right up your candy ass"