Is everybody clear on how to post pics today?
lol Ladies..
I will bash your head in with my purse mofo.
i will put this stiletto through your ear canal
I see the young buck finally got it all straightened out..
Atta boy Blue!
Now.. Today's lesson is going to be on reputation or "rep" as it's called around here.
What is is: If something someone posts makes you think or laugh....give em a positive rep. If someone pisses you off or is being a total idiot...negative rep them.
Rules: Each poster is allotted 5 (total) pos/neg reps over a 24 hour period and you cannot give multiple reps to the same poster continuously. Usually you can rep your favorite poster every 5th-6th time you attempt it.
Where and How: Look underneath any posters name and right next to the "on/off" button, there is a box with a red check mark and a black x on it. Click that and a small pop up screen will appear where you choose what type of rep you want to give that poster and a little box to post a quick comment. Hit send and you're done. You have just given that poster what ever your rep level is. Example, right now you have rep level of 674...since it takes 100 points to make someone jump up a level, you have just pushed someone up 6 plus levels in rep.
Got it? Good.