Mr. Knowitall
Definitely something. I think I may have fluid on the knee or whatever. Been dealing with this for like 6 months. On and off swelling, and it clicks from time to time.
I've seen those, how do you like it Nate? Cant wait to solve this knee issue so I can really focus on boxing and fitness, my knees have held me back for a long time now... I hope i just need them drained, this way I have 2 solid months to get in shape for summer.
I like it. I was kind of skeptical at first. I really didn't want to fork out 180 bucks for that. Searched on youtube and found a guy who had a tutorial on how to make one.
I found some TRX DVD rip torrents and tried out a few exercises and feel that this is a great supplement to my workout. There are a ton of things you can do with this and it really engages your entire core for balance as you do it. You can either make this a really hard thing or easy just by your body position. The stretching with this is great, its like having a partner assisting you. There are a ton of YouTube exercise tutorials out there. Since I'm doing the whole P90x/Insanity thing in the mornings, I use this in the afternoon to do stretching and light cardio/core training.
This might be good for you Jeff, the straps make it a little easier depending how far away from the anchor point you are, to keep pressure off the sore knee.
Exactly why I asked. I guess there is nothing that can really be done about my knees. He said thats just how I was born. I guess when I bend my knee instead of my knee cap staying center it veers a little outward. I guess there are three points where there should be space between the joint. Two points are fine for me, but towards the top of my knee cap is rubs. The kickboxing must have really irritated it so that now I actually feel it. Before I never had knee pain.
He told me to do no squatting and try to refrain from using stairs. He said to not get fat and strengthen my quad muscles to take strain off my knees. So I asked him how the hell am I gonna strengthen my quads... He said to bicycle, leg press, and just extend my leg out and hold it till it burns. Gave me some anti-inflammatory pills, and told me to take one every day and if in a month I still feel pain to come back in for some shots. Ugh. I'm in my mid 20's, this blows. Luckily he said its not too bad. I asked him if I should still box, he said go ahead, but just try not to irritate the knee. I dont know if I should.
Im lost! Ugh... This really sucks. I'm thinking maybe just stick to some light working out without putting strain on my knees. Then maybe go back to boxing after the summer.
Must be a big chunk of your grade?
What is your major?
Holy crap man, that does suck. And he's right about strengthening the quads! look at this way man, take care of this shit now, do it right and let it heal/get better. A month isn't shit compared to years of more pain if you ignore his recommendations.
Leg press sounds like you would put pressure on your knees.. but whatever he says.
If you have access to a pool, that would be awesome rehab right there. No weight on your knees, and you would strengthen your quads and not to mention other muscles as well by swimming.
Definitely something. I think I may have fluid on the knee or whatever. Been dealing with this for like 6 months. On and off swelling, and it clicks from time to time.
Don't stress too much about it, Jeffy. Just follow your doctors orders. You have to make sure you rehab correctly or you'll be kicking yourself later. Those anti-inflammatories should help a lot too. I take them every now and then when I have stiffness in my knees. They're a godsend.
That game was awesome back in the day.
Well, its good to know you still partake in roller derby and shit. I really wanted to get back into hockey next year.
Yup. I wear a brace on my knee and modify certain drills if they bug me. Everything holds up fine. I try to keep up my overall strength all over. Be happy you don't have to have surgery! Surgery sucks.
Wow I feel like dog shit this morning... I dont think my body agrees with the anti-inflammatories the doc gave me yesterday. I feel like I need to throw up.
Well that was lovely I just yacked all over the bathroom... Felt great.