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I'm sure given how well he has treated his previous lawyers, he will have the absolute pick of the litter.
I'm sure given how well he has treated his previous lawyers, he will have the absolute pick of the litter.
It’s a bad week to be orange
Is Rudy allowed to practice on a federal level? Asking for a ketchup throwing toddler friend.
That Brandon guy is having a good week though.It’s a bad week to be orange
He might have been prepping for a deposition but he usually never went there during the summer, staying at Bedminster and occasionally weekending at the White House.Now being reported that the reason wasn't at Mar a Lago for the FBI warrant was because he was in New York prepping for a deposition with the NY Attorney General.
Funny how I have never had the FBI raid my home in connection with one federal crime while I was prepping for a deposition relating to a state crime in another state...
Oh shit, that’s funny
Judge suggests Rudy Giuliani travel by train or 'Uber or whatever' after his lawyers said a medical issue prevents him from flying to Atlanta to testify in a Trump election probe
"I'm confident [Giuliani] can figure out a way — short of a Greyhound — to get him to Atlanta," the judge said during a court hearing on Tuesday.www.businessinsider.com
no other president has been this much of a criminal.
Maybe he should ask mother to dig his balls out of her purse
Because it's the talking point designed to deflect and deceive the degenerates.
Translation: "When you fucking whackos start blowing shit up - leave me out of it. I had nothing to do with it"
Maybe he should ask mother to dig his balls out of her purse
Maybe he should ask mother to dig his balls out of her purse
One user posting about the “civil war” shortly after the search was Tyler Welsh Slaeker, a Washington man awaiting sentencing for storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021
“I am awaiting sentencing for trespassing into the Capitol,” he wrote. “I am only being careful with my words.”