Well-Known Member
Sorry @scoutyjones2 I am still laughing at someone calling you of all people a Soy Boy.Different opinions are fine.
Walls of text that are worth nothing, diatribes that have no peer-reviewed or otherwise legitimate sources, and asking leading questions that insult people are not acceptable to me or anyone else with the education you profess to have. This is just to name a few of the reasons why your opinion is being derided here.
So either you are lying, like a coward, or you are pretending to be something you are not, ie. trolling.
Now piss off while I find the ignore function for the first time on this forum.

And in general calling this a leftist echo chamber is hilarious because a lot of the view points are not that. Too bad folks deeply rooted in a cult like mentality don't see that. @Bloody Brian Burke hope you take insult in being called a leftist.