Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
If it weren't for anti-mask/vax hysteria they'd be as irrelevant as they were 2 years ago. They were steady around 3% for most of the last campaign poll-wise and they're around 6% right now and I think it's entirely attributable to that. If we ever actually move past the pandemic their support fades into sub-Green Party territory again (if they even survive - they basically need Bernier to win the Beauce back to justify their existence this time).I don't know what's going on with the NDP - Meanwhile, I'm more concerned about the PPC...
There could be plenty of reasons why so many people are drawn to the People’s Party. They have become resentful and untrusting over the loss of manufacturing jobs. They are stressed by the pandemic. Some of them resent the increasing number of non-European immigrants. This is racist, but it is how they feel. And they enjoy the self-empowerment that comes from rejecting authority.
Of course, if they siphon off some votes from the Toole man, that's not terrible.