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Clemson made men's meat out of Alabama


Throbbing Member
Oct 5, 2016
Big Lake, Alaska
Hoopla Cash
$ 14,312.00
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I will say that when several of us from Rivals called out the most obnoxious trolls (with Neil holding a winning card on this one), if was the SportsHoopla guys (hardly all, to be fair) giving us shit about calling them out.
SportsHoopla has its fair share of assholes no doubt, but other than that weirdo creepy ass freak handicappers, I can't think of any trolls in this forum. Handi isn't what I'd call a troll ... he's not that intelligent. He's more of a halfwit stalker.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 14,000.00
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Is that what I said?

No I said If I was Shaggy I wouldn't appreciate non paying posters acting like they own the board and trying to run people off. I can't speak for him but maybe tone lumping all of Rivals together down a bit? Or expect to get served the same treatment in kind. Pretty simple.

We run trash off all the time. It’s a time honored tradition around here. I can assure you @Shaggy doesn’t want crap posters spamming the bds and we are happy to assist him.

My suggestion would be don’t worry about how you perceive this site is run or how it should be run and focus on how to have fun and not be a douche.

Not saying you are a douche because I don’t have the body of work to judge but at the same time I wouldn’t waste energy defending idiots because honestly no one cares.


Oct 5, 2016
Branson, MO
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,039.08
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I had a tendency to drive my high school English teaching aunt absolutely crazy. There is still a slight ground tremor at the cemetery in Anson, TX every time I butcher the King's English with my vocabulation and grammaterization.


Idiot Savant
Oct 5, 2016
The bottom of the bottle
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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Come on now don't be shy. Post a pic of yourself with a girlfriend.



Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Is that what I said?

No I said If I was Shaggy I wouldn't appreciate non paying posters acting like they own the board and trying to run people off. I can't speak for him but maybe tone lumping all of Rivals together down a bit? Or expect to get served the same treatment in kind. Pretty simple.
So much fail it's hard to know where to begin.

How about from the bottom up? Many of us welcomed rivals folks, gave them a tour, laughed with them, razed them a bit. But you have a few that trashed this site and everyone on it from day 1. So you might want to change the order of expect it back in kind. Want to stick to your own people? Awesome, but I wouldn't come into your home, criticize your furniture, call your friends names, spit at your feet, and expect the guy that came with me to blame you for responding back.

Who is running anyone off? If you or the others can't take it you will run yourselves off. Seems to you it's just fine if your buddies trash others, but holy fuck are we mean for doing the same.

Shaggy hasn't ever pushed for memberships. Other than the perks that comes with it, in no way does it give you a bigger voice or protect you from your actions. Maybe it meant something more at rivals. I won't presume to speak for him though, I'll leave that to you.


Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
Hoopla Cash
$ 196,499.66
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See, you are mostly an ass, but at least you bring something with it. That's all we ask.

I got over 500 rainbows and dookies in one night on the Rivals thread. And last night AG tagged Mods to ban me. I was talked down to and rainbowed. Not very nice


Idiot Savant
Oct 5, 2016
The bottom of the bottle
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
So much fail it's hard to know where to begin.

How about from the bottom up? Many of us welcomed rivals folks, gave them a tour, laughed with them, razed them a bit. But you have a few that trashed this site and everyone on it from day 1. So you might want to change the order of expect it back in kind. Want to stick to your own people? Awesome, but I wouldn't come into your home, criticize your furniture, call your friends names, spit at your feet, and expect the guy that came with me to blame you for responding back.

Who is running anyone off? If you or the others can't take it you will run yourselves off. Seems to you it's just fine if your buddies trash others, but holy fuck are we mean for doing the same.

Shaggy hasn't ever pushed for memberships. Other than the perks that comes with it, in no way does it give you a bigger voice or protect you from your actions. Maybe it meant something more at rivals. I won't presume to speak for him though, I'll leave that to you.

As one of the "Rivals rejects", I can agree with this.

Most of us that are "new" here, forgot what it meant to be a "noob". I get it. We need to do our time, take our share of shit, and show that we can take the trash as well as we can take the trash out. It's a learning curve. We will all be fine when this is over with.

Attention whore assholes will still be attention whore assholes and good posters will still be good posters.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I got over 500 rainbows and dookies in one night on the Rivals thread. And last night AG tagged Mods to ban me. I was talked down to and rainbowed. Not very nice
Did they entertain you though?