"It might be a dump, but it's OUR dump, Maude!" - Worrld doing his Otis the Drunk impression while Maude shoves him out at closing time at the Fenway HoJo "Hong Kong Bar".
"It might be a dump, but it's OUR dump, Maude!" - Worrld doing his Otis the Drunk impression while Maude shoves him out at closing time at the Fenway HoJo "Hong Kong Bar".
BigD, I respect your opinion (which is more than I can say for Brock and worrld). So I'd like to hear your's after reading that article. Are you going to stick with party lines?
"Brock and Worrld regularly kick my ass in arguments, so I can't ask them. Can I get your opinion instead?" -hammer
remember when this was funny yesterday?
"Fenway is in a wicked gorgeous area!" Worrld
"my lips smell like tony gwynn" ~ hammer
name a park in a 'gorgeous are'
i'm a country guy, can't stand boston but love going to fenway. nothing else like it on earth. it's the 9th wonder of the world.