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BsGenius and BearsWillWin


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
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Neither has posted since Thursday and Friday, respectively. More fuel that it is the same guy is my gut reaction...However...

I have considered an alternate possibility that may have happened sometime on or after about 7 PM Eastern Sunday night:



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Nashville, TN
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I didn't drive off a cliff....I did however throw my remote at my TV and cracked the screen.


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
Hoopla Cash
$ 800.06
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I didn't drive off a cliff....I did however throw my remote at my TV and cracked the screen.

Aww man...Not the monetary damages. I didn't go there. I usually scream at the TV, prompting my wife to tell me for the 8 millionth time that they can't hear me. This time? I just sat there kind of shellshocked. I mean, even after we lost to the Raiders I had some hope we could right the ship. This game was as demoralizing as a game as I've experienced in a long, long time. Shocked silence and disappointment.

Not sure where it falls in the Simmons levels of losing chart...There's a lot of correctness in various categories:

ESPN.com: Page 2 : The 13 levels of losing

Level XII: The Achilles' Heel
This defeat transcends the actual game, because it revealed something larger about your team, a fatal flaw exposed for everyone to see ... flare guns are fired, red flags are raised, doubt seeps into your team ... usually the beginning of the end (you don't fully comprehend this until you're reflecting back on it).

Green Bay game?

Level VIII: Dead Man Walking
Applies to any playoff series when your team remains "alive," but they just suffered a loss so catastrophic and so harrowing that there's no possible way they can bounce back ... especially disheartening because you wave the white flag mentally, but there's a tiny part of you still holding out hope for a miraculous momentum change ... so you've given up, but you're still getting hurt, if that makes sense ... just for the record, I thought this would apply to the Nets after their Game 3 collapse (I couldn't have been more wrong).

Probably this game.

Level III: The Guillotine
This one combines the devastation of the Broken Axle game with sweeping bitterness and hostility ... your team's hanging tough (hell, they might even be winning), but you can feel the inevitable breakdown coming, and you keep waiting for the guillotine to drop, and you just know it's coming -- you know it -- and when it finally comes, you're angry that it happened and you're angry at yourself for contributing to the debilitating karma ... these are the games when people end up whipping their remote controls against a wall or breaking their hands while pounding a coffee table ... too many of these and you'll end up in prison.

Whatever category it falls into...we've been exposed and it hurts because I wanted that playoff dance again so bad...


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Aug 29, 2013
Nashville, TN
Hoopla Cash
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This game was as demoralizing as a game as I've experienced in a long, long time.

The 45-10 loss to the Bengals in 2009 may have been the last time I felt as bad as I did this past Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Has to be that they're the same troll with multiple SN's.

No two people could ever disagree with Jiddy. Insane notion.


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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The 45-10 loss to the Bengals in 2009 may have been the last time I felt as bad as I did this past Sunday.

Yeah...That one was bad...Opening Day 2003 was one of my personal top hall of shame games. To have the season over on opening day by the end of the first half was something special to behold. Kordell f*cking Stewart...Sigh.


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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Has to be that they're the same troll with multiple SN's.

No two people could ever disagree with Jiddy. Insane notion.

One is too many honestly....particularly if they write 1000+ word post responses to memes.


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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*richi sees numa numa guy*

*cracks his knuckles*


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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*richi sees numa numa guy*

*cracks his knuckles*

I have zero interest in this little high school gossipy interpersonal/interactive world that you have created for yourself here. In fact, if anybody comes off like a BS double here. It is yourself with all of these antics, ad hominem personal jabs and side shows.

Have fun...

I'm sure after Sunday's game you still think Mitch's inability to throw the ball downfield accurately is irrelevant and something that an NFL coach would laugh you out of the room for even bringing up. Which is fine. I expect nothing less.

Good day to you.


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
Hoopla Cash
$ 800.06
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I have zero interest in this little high school gossipy interpersonal/interactive world that you have created for yourself here.

Have fun...

I'm sure after Sunday's game you still think Chase Daniel's inability to throw the ball downfield accurately is irrelevant and something that an NFL coach would laugh you out of the room for even bringing up. Which is fine. I expect nothing less.

Good day to you.

I mean...if you're going to go there...Get it right.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah...That one was bad...Opening Day 2003 was one of my personal top hall of shame games. To have the season over on opening day by the end of the first half was something special to behold. Kordell f*cking Stewart...Sigh.

I know this pain all too well . . .*hugs jiddy*


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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I mean...if you're going to go there...Get it right.

Uh... the entire point of Daniel's downfield accuracy being brought up was Mitch's inability to be competent in that area. This was elaborated and expounded upon a vast amount of times in that thread. It's not a shock that you still either A) Haven't grasped such a simple notion that has been explained to you multiple times B) Have grasped it but are still clinging onto a tree branch in that conversation by dishonestly portraying the argument and point which was brought forth to you.

One is too many honestly....particularly if they write 1000+ word post responses to memes.

Yes, I realize that a well thought out, detailed point expressed on a page is something that often alludes you and fails to hold your attention.

FWIW - if anybody comes off like a BS double here. It is yourself with all of these antics, ad hominem personal jabs and side shows.


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
Hoopla Cash
$ 800.06
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I know this pain all too well . . .*hugs jiddy*

Yeah...Kordell crushed you guys too. To think that guy got replaced by Tommy Maddox AND Chris Chandler. He ruined some good Steelers teams' seasons for sure. We were just looking for something serviceable at QB that year because we figured the D could carry us and all the talk was dual threat and how Kordell would buy us so much with his legs. And the season was f*cking over at halftime in game 1... Funny thing is we ended that season 7-9, Football is strange.

But I've never had a season where I threw in the towel before the first game was over besides that one that I can remember.


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
Hoopla Cash
$ 800.06
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Fav. Team #3
Uh... the entire point of Daniel's downfield accuracy being brought up was Mitch's inability to be competent in that area. This was elaborated and expounded upon a vast amount of times in that thread. It's not a shock that you still either A) Haven't grasped such a simple notion that has been explained to you multiple times B) Have grasped it but are still clinging onto a tree branch in that conversation by dishonestly portraying the argument and point which was brought forth to you.

One is too many honestly....particularly if they write 1000+ word post responses to memes.

Yes, I realize that a well thought out, detailed point expressed on a page is something that often alludes you and fails to hold your attention.

FWIW - if anybody comes off like a BS double here. It is yourself with all of these antics, ad hominem personal jabs and side shows.

Alludes is too perfect. Thank you richi.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah...Kordell crushed you guys too. To think that guy got replaced by Tommy Maddox AND Chris Chandler. He ruined some good Steelers teams' seasons for sure. We were just looking for something serviceable at QB that year because we figured the D could carry us and all the talk was dual threat and how Kordell would buy us so much with his legs. And the season was f*cking over at halftime in game 1... Funny thing is we ended that season 7-9, Football is strange.

But I've never had a season where I threw in the towel before the first game was over besides that one that I can remember.

Yep. If ONLY Cowher would've stuck to keeping him in his "slash" role, where he'd periodically get to take a snap or two throughout the season, he'd have finished with a much more memorable/successful career.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The 45-10 loss to the Bengals in 2009 may have been the last time I felt as bad as I did this past Sunday.