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Bruce Irvin


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With all of his stupid blunders this year (his Personal Foul penalty likely cost us a game, and that is just one example) combined with his 2 sacks on his naked pass rushing on the last drive heroics yesterday tells me that he is being used incorrectly.

Stop playing Irvin at LB. Put him back at LEO/DE. We need the depth there so the likes of Avril can take fewer snaps and theoretically be more effective and it is obvious that Irvin excels as a pass rusher in comparision to being some hybrid LB who makes too many mental errors.


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Apr 22, 2013
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I'll tell you what, with the total LACK of a pass rush he is needed more on the end of the line than as a Linebacker. His speed off the ball is the best on the team, He totally blew past the LT on that first sack he had. Sure he has improved as a LB but lets not kid ourselves, He is a DE first and foremost and needs to get much more playing time in that spot. I think Smith/Wagnor ( when healthy) and Wright are fine as our LB crew and i believe Peirre-Louis Should be splitting time with Smith Not Irvin and let Irvin EAT QB'S


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Apr 23, 2013
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Man I was hard on Irvin all game, after his second neutral zone infraction..... still raw after the romo game losing non sack, in addition to the dumb penalty in SD....

But damn it if he can't go and get the QB in obvious pass situations.


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I thought his initial role was to be Clems eventual replacement, and if anything stood out from his performance yesterday is that in fact that's where he needs to be. Although, he needs to pay attention to where the heck he is lined up. Talk about frustrating!!


Jul 3, 2013
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The problem with Irvin is that he is a liability against the run and he has a problem with getting flags thrown on him quite often. Overall, I would guess that we will not resign him, unless he continues to rack up the sacks? But I don't see that happening.

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
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Bruce is a touchy subject. He makes sacks on important situations(2nd and 3rd down on the final drive) but he is a dumb ass who makes dip shit penalties (2 off sides penalties and the SD penalty).

If i were JS and PC. I would set a number of sacks and a number of penalties( like 10 sacks and 4 penalties). If he sets the mark, re-sign him. If not then, cut him loose


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
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Let me preface this by saying that I was always the Bruce Irvin homer at KFFL. I love his skillset, and I think he can be an incredibly valuable asset when used correctly.

That being said, he needs to be used as a pass rusher. He's not a particularly great run defender, nor is he great in coverage (although he's better than I thought he'd be). In reality, he's a 3-4 OLB, but in this scheme he's best used at LEO IMO. Or other creative pass rushing packages. I think last year was a complete waste in terms of his use and development at LB. And after seeing what KPL could do yesterday, I'm more than comfortable with him stepping in.

Irvin isn't a complete player, and probably never will be, but if they let him wreck havoc on the QB, it fills a massive void right now. Even before yesterday, he had been getting pressure more consistently than probably any other player when given the chance. I also saw a couple decent pass rushing moves I hadn't seen before. Hopefully the Bruce Irvin SLB experiment is over.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I agree with putting Irvin at LEO.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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Using Irvin on the outside would also allow Bennett to work inside where he is much more valuable IMO.


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Aug 28, 2014
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Let me preface this by saying that I was always the Bruce Irvin homer at KFFL. I love his skillset, and I think he can be an incredibly valuable asset when used correctly.

That being said, he needs to be used as a pass rusher. He's not a particularly great run defender, nor is he great in coverage (although he's better than I thought he'd be). In reality, he's a 3-4 OLB, but in this scheme he's best used at LEO IMO. Or other creative pass rushing packages. I think last year was a complete waste in terms of his use and development at LB. And after seeing what KPL could do yesterday, I'm more than comfortable with him stepping in.

Irvin isn't a complete player, and probably never will be, but if they let him wreck havoc on the QB, it fills a massive void right now. Even before yesterday, he had been getting pressure more consistently than probably any other player when given the chance. I also saw a couple decent pass rushing moves I hadn't seen before. Hopefully the Bruce Irvin SLB experiment is over.

I don't necessarily disagree. I think you're a bit harsh on him as an OLB. He's developing, and he'll get there I think. Before last year he had never played LB in his life. But there is a reality we have to face her, he's a third player older than most fifth year players. NFL players are of a clock. They can only play at this level for so long. With that in mind I think you're right, let him loose on the QB. He's best as a pass rusher. Jesus...he shed a block, vaulted the tackle, and chased down Newton from behind. Not many guys can make that play. Cultivate that and run with it.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Irvin is fast.... He impressed me yesterday big time with his speed around the end... I"m just wondering where the hell that's been... ?? I know vs Dallas he dam near won that game with a sack but Romo avoided him and made a big play.... Yesterday though he was wire guided against and even more elusive guy... Those 2 sacks were seriously impressive...


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Apr 21, 2013
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If Wagner was healthy, I'd be more confident in moving Irvin back to the defensive line. The problem is that he's not healthy and the Hawks really can't spare any of their linebackers right now.


Jul 3, 2013
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Its no surprise that I'm not an Irvin fan having watched him throughout his entire college career and almost crying that we wasted a first round pick on his fourth round talent. My biggest issue with him is that he's a dumbass. He's a penalty at a crucial time waiting to happen, and has been his entire career. Sure, he sacked the QB twice yesterday and that's all that anybody seems to remember. Why? Its because he did absolutely nothing else up to that point (well except for his usual penalties). He'll never be a consistent NFL player. He just doesn't have the brains or talent. He makes a couple nice plays every game or so that seems to cause the fans to forget about his lackluster play throughout the rest of it. I'm afraid we have seen his ceiling. I pray he doesn't get resigned.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Its no surprise that I'm not an Irvin fan having watched him throughout his entire college career and almost crying that we wasted a first round pick on his fourth round talent. My biggest issue with him is that he's a dumbass. He's a penalty at a crucial time waiting to happen, and has been his entire career. Sure, he sacked the QB twice yesterday and that's all that anybody seems to remember. Why? Its because he did absolutely nothing else up to that point (well except for his usual penalties). He'll never be a consistent NFL player. He just doesn't have the brains or talent. He makes a couple nice plays every game or so that seems to cause the fans to forget about his lackluster play throughout the rest of it. I'm afraid we have seen his ceiling. I pray he doesn't get resigned.

Those 2 sacks came at a critical moment of our season... He didn't just make 2 sacks he fricking went turbo and got around that end faster than I've ever seen him do it... It was actually shocking ... I watched both sacks again and they were beyond impressive... Some players improve big time as there careers roll on ... I"m gonna be the optimist and believe he can get allot more sacks this year ...


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Those 2 sacks came at a critical moment of our season...


So if the Seahawks right the ship, fans should remember those 2 sacks as the deciding factor? Lol. Its not like the Panthers were in scoring distance. They were clear on the other end of the field.


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So if the Seahawks right the ship, fans should remember those 2 sacks as the deciding factor? Lol. Its not like the Panthers were in scoring distance. They were clear on the other end of the field.

You never know though... I've seen games where some lucky hail marry get's a team in scoring position... Just look back at the Atlanta playoff game OR the Bears game where Cutler competed a crazy pass in the last seconds to send the game into overtime.... It happens man.... It's never over until it's over... lol i've been burned to many times ... So yeah I feel like those sacks were big because of the moment in our season and how bad we needed that win... it's one game I know but it's one game we needed....


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Apr 23, 2013
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You never know though... I've seen games where some lucky hail marry get's a team in scoring position... Just look back at the Atlanta playoff game OR the Bears game where Cutler competed a crazy pass in the last seconds to send the game into overtime.... It happens man.... It's never over until it's over... lol i've been burned to many times ... So yeah I feel like those sacks were big because of the moment in our season and how bad we needed that win... it's one game I know but it's one game we needed....

Just go back a couple of weeks ago on the missed sack on Romo, we all know the outcome of that game. Irvin made two great plays that sealed the game. Give the man his due.


Jul 3, 2013
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Just look back at the Atlanta playoff game

You bring this game up in a Bruce Irvin thread? That may have been the worst that I have ever seen one particular defensive player get dominated in my life. He was less then worthless in that game. Besides taking up a position so that we could field 11 guys, he had no redeeming qualities at all in that game. Did he even make a tackle?

Just go back a couple of weeks ago on the missed sack on Romo, we all know the outcome of that game. Irvin made two great plays that sealed the game. Give the man his due.

Yeah, he lost us a game and had a couple nice sacks in another with very little anything else. I gave him his due.


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I also heard he causes cancer and kicks puppies.


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So it seems that there are some that will exaggerate everything bad Irvin does.

Irvin is inconsistent. He has good games and he has bad games. He's probably never going to live up to his draft status. But that doesn't mean he is useless. It means he needs to get better.