Troll Boy Extraordinaire
Get off your high horses. We are fans, fans get passionate. That leads to "bitching" and "whining".
Here I will try it with a little more ho-hum indifference.
The offense yesterday looked pretty good. They came out an did mostly what they planned.
The kicking game is questionable. I sure do hope McManus can figure it the 13th week of the season.
That defense was not very good. They struggled at times but did some nice things here and there. I really think more shark videos would help.
Now, real thoughts:
The offense did well YESTERDAY. They flopped last Sunday. They flopped three weeks ago in NE.
The defense has plays where it looks great and then there are plays where Von Miller is in coverage, no one is covering the #1 receiver, and damn that QB just ran for 30 yards...again.
What has some of us down is not that we are struggling in a single game, that happens. It is the coming out flat more often than not. This team is stacked with talent but apparently no heart. I think Del Rio is trying to get too cute with the defense. I think the offense tends to revolve too much around Manning, when he is off the offense is off. I hated watching games where we just shutdown when the other team won't let us win.
Del Rio does great things with getting players to up their game. I think it is time he realized certain things are not working and Brandon Marshall cannot start and call plays. Simplify the plan, trust in your team's talent.
Most of us have incredibly high expectations and we are currently coming up short. That rubs us the wrong way. Sorry if we are not as passionless as you would like.
Don't be ridiculous. I'm not saying don't have passion. I'm saying that saying things like "game over" in the third quarter, or calling for the firing of every single coach, or complaining about Manning playing terrible after every incompletion (when in fact he played really well), or saying "man we suck" (no, we don't) comes across as pathetic and whiny. These guys aren't robots; they aren't going to execute perfectly on every single play, and the coaches aren't going to call the right play every single time.
Don't get spoiled by our success. The fact of the matter is that we've had 3 great years with Manning at the helm. But don't get so used to it that anytime we fall into a little bit of adversity you go off the deep end with hyperbolic, ridiculous complaints of doom and gloom.