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This isn't Boston, we don't publicly stone black people
Thats right!!!
We do it in private!
This isn't Boston, we don't publicly stone black people
This isn't Boston, we don't publicly stone fag people
This isn't Boston, we don't publicly stone black people
Jeff Francour celebrates a triple by punching his third base coach in the nuts
Jeff Francour celebrates a triple by punching his third base coach in the nuts
my wife just started taking up golf, she has been stopping at the driving range to smack ball around a few days a week
at least I hope its golf she is taking up
damn it, Sake!!
Umm... sorry RSG, but when she comes home talking about the thick black shaft and the balls, it's not golf she is talking about.
Be strong!
Umm... sorry RSG, but when she comes home talking about the thick black shaft and the balls, it's not golf she is talking about.
Be strong!
Weather has been beautiful here the last few days. supposed to continue forevah
Boston wins yet again
Its not lame Cowboy. Its called a Napoleon Complex.
"Napoleon complex is an informal term describing an alleged type of psychological phenomenon which is said to exist in persons, usually men, of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behavior is compensatory for the subjects' stature. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. Other names for the term include Napoleon syndrome, Short Man syndrome and Phone Kiosk Workers."
saw that.
that was pretty funny.
but broomsticks up the ol' cornhole.....we all about dat!
Thats why PeteNYC took up golf, for the thick black shafts. Or is it thick fag shafts now?
A - are we talking about weather?! WTF?! I would rather hear more about Rocks fucking office chair.
B - "win again" implies that something has already been won . Besides the usual April championship parade and the award for most police used to catch two teenagers, what has Boston won?
So what you are saying you are very mad that I proved you got punked by some message board admin??
God you are painfully terrible at this whole troll thing. Go ask one of the former pr0ns for tips.