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Better or worse


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Jul 18, 2013
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McShay has us picking 11th in the 2015 draft. ESPN rankings have us at 22. I know this doesnt mean anything at this point and they are playing it on paper and past history.

My thing is though, those same experts that make the rankings say our OLINE is top 5. Where are we weaker right now than we were at the end of the season last yr???


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
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McShay has us picking 11th in the 2015 draft. ESPN rankings have us at 22. I know this doesnt mean anything at this point and they are playing it on paper and past history.

My thing is though, those same experts that make the rankings say our OLINE is top 5. Where are we weaker right now than we were at the end of the season last yr???

This one is too easy, because they don't RUN the ball like they should.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
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The Cowboys have a shot, with a VERY healthy season(which they are due) to win 10 games. If the Cowboys weren't my team, and I were looking at it from the outside, I'd probably say it's a 5-6 win team as well. Our defense was the worst in the league and we lost Ware and Hatcher, who were two of the three best defenders we had and the two best pass rushers. We will have Melton, Spencer and Crawford all coming off injury, and we didn't take a DT or S till late in the draft. Romo is coming off back surgery, and we lost Miles Austin, who to the outside world, is a big name anyway. Our impact from the draft was a guard and a third down pass rusher.
We need to take that top 5 OL, run the football, shorten the games and play with the lead. We need good luck health wise for Melton, Spencer, Crawford and Lee, and we need bounce back seasons from Mo, Carter, and Carr. We need to hope Lawrence can contribute 8 sacks. We need a lot to go right


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Hatcher was the only big loss to the D in my opinion. Ware, as much as I loved him, wasn't Ware last season. Hopefully Melton can replace Hatcher, Lawrence will be better than Ware and Spencer/Lee can stay healthy for at least most of the season.

If our pass rush improves (it can't possibly get worse), Carr and Claiborne should be better, particularly if Claiborne can make it through an entire training camp.


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Aug 19, 2013
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If Romo is healthy we will likely be fighting for the division in week 17 again. The sky is not falling and we lost no ground on our NFC East competitors this offseason.

Saying we are a 5 win team is not realistic unless you think Romo will not be himself. I actually do think there is a good chance that Romo will not be himself and thus if your projection is based on that I understand it, but assuming he is healthy I don't see anyway we win 5 games. Our Offense should be better and our defense will be better unless you think we will incur all of those injuries again. Instead of playing guys off of the street we will be playing NFL caliber DL. You can say they aren't any more than average players, but they are way better than what was on the field last year.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Hatcher was the only big loss to the D in my opinion. Ware, as much as I loved him, wasn't Ware last season. Hopefully Melton can replace Hatcher, Lawrence will be better than Ware and Spencer/Lee can stay healthy for at least most of the season.

If our pass rush improves (it can't possibly get worse), Carr and Claiborne should be better, particularly if Claiborne can make it through an entire training camp.

Agree. If Melton can= Hatcher and we stay healthy we're better than last year.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Too many IFs for this to be a 10 win team. So many of the IFs you can come up with are health related, which, are a 50/50 bet to pan out. I really think the season is a success if we hit 9 wins. I have the feeling this is our bottom out year = sub 8 wins.

Earl Stevens

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Jul 17, 2013
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People love to have it both ways. Constantly pick the Cowboys to be trash yet say the Cowboys are overrated every year.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
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teams seemed to know what we were going to do so a lot of the time they stacked the box against the run which forced romo to addible

It always come back to lil red :L


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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McShay has us picking 11th in the 2015 draft. ESPN rankings have us at 22. I know this doesnt mean anything at this point and they are playing it on paper and past history.

My thing is though, those same experts that make the rankings say our OLINE is top 5. Where are we weaker right now than we were at the end of the season last yr???

I dont know that the Cowboys are worse. They will be getting back Sean Lee and several others that were nicked up. It could be argued that the other teams improved as well. The Cowboys need to run the damn ball as Frederick,Smith and Martin are good run blockers. I also am impressed with the undrafted Pughsly. I think he could be a really good guard. The loss of Hatcher may hurt this defense more than the loss of Ware. Ware stunk the past two seasons because of injuries. Now all my negativaty aside, I think the Cowboys will be better on defense. I think they have a chance to win the division. Looking more closely at guys like Bishop,Dixon and Gardner and Mitchell. I think they can play. Whaley can also get after the QB. I am not going to predict 10 wins, but it would not surprise me as long as they dont have the injury bug again. We just signed Okoye who can also get after the QB. Marinelli got several players that he feels will be good in his defense. I can see the defense improving to about average, which would be a major improvement.


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Jul 22, 2013
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McShay has us picking 11th in the 2015 draft. ESPN rankings have us at 22. I know this doesnt mean anything at this point and they are playing it on paper and past history.

My thing is though, those same experts that make the rankings say our OLINE is top 5. Where are we weaker right now than we were at the end of the season last yr???

I think this defense at best will equal the poor output from last year; It's a chance IMO that they could be worse though.


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Aug 19, 2013
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I think this defense at best will equal the poor output from last year; It's a chance IMO that they could be worse though.

I don't understand how you can say that they will at best equal the 3rd worst defense in history in yards allowed. At best? I'd say they will definitely be better than last years defense.