Viva El Gordo!
Fuck me that was killed!
Let me know when you get around to addressing this
Keep saying you already addressed something and failing to address're getting destroyed on this...You're turning into snuggles on the race issue
It was obliterated. They said 475...tied with Rizzo for longest in the Majors this season.
Because it pisses you off, and makes you look like a lemming that blindly supports something without giving any real thought about it. I addressed that too...about 6 hours ago.
Speaking of not addressing, why do you not partake in a sexual activity that is completely natural, and that you advocate?
Anybody who has to say that "you're getting destroyed" in an argument, is almost without fail the one who has no argument.
You have no argument.
Again like I told Chappee the Tolerant, pass your bar, and maybe you can petition SCOTUS to overturn the laws of nature.
I don't like your chances of success.
Heat, BJ's really need to tone down the orchestrated WWE celebrations after HR's, however.
they've been doing it for a while now. surprised you guys just noticed![]()
The way they're playing, you can hit up StubHub and score some good seats around face value or less sometimes...depends on who they're playing as always too...How're the prices for the Angels games so far?
I want to go after the semester ends and I head home for a few weeks
Yes because they're so relevant
lol so you chose to argue something that no one agrees with...for 2 days...after spending month upon months claiming you hate how we argue about stuff no one cares about for hours....simply because you know it pisses people off...despite the fact that no one is getting pissed off...we're all mocking you...just like we mock snuggles opinion of black qb's
as to why I don't partake in homosexual behavior, the same reason I don't do a million other things that occur in nature...I don't want to...The fact that not everyone does something doesn't make it unnatural...
Do you do everything that occurs in nature? Just about all animals eat their own or other animals' feces...I take it you just got done eating a big plate of shit
"Everybody"....You getting Rock's anonymous emails now?
And again, just because something occurs in nature does not mean the act is natural according to its laws, unless of course you believe that humans dumping toxic waste into a lake, creating 4 eyed fish, is natural according to its laws, or penguins fucking other dead penguins, or people jerking horses.
You obviously have no idea what the concept of nature's law is, or the basic concepts of elementary level biology. If you did, you wouldn't keep repeating the same fallacies over and over and over again.