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Anybody, besides me ...


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So if I call my best friend a cheap "mother f*cker" if he leaves a crummy tip at a bar, I am not allowed to take offense if someone I don't know calls my father, my son, or me a "mother f*cker". If I'm using it, I can't take offense when others do. I just don't see where that argument works.


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To you personally yes. That is way different. Cooper didn't call McCoy the N word. We don't know who he was talking about.

Irish7478- I don't think you are getting it.

Overall I think Cooper is wrong but to have this big media blow out is just crazy.

If Cooper said McCoy you Black N***** Im going to kill you then WOW that would be F up.

The word is screwed up but Im also sick of the African Americans complain when a white person uses when they use it all the time to call each other. U don't see Gays calling each other fags. Reason they don't like that word so they don't use it. So when someone else says it to them they get offended.


Jul 6, 2013
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I dont hear Mexican/Latinos spouting their "special word" everyday at each other ... I dont hear Polish peeps calling each other their "special word" everyday ... I dont hear Asian-Americans/Pacific Islanders calling each their "special word" each day ... I dont hear Native-Americans calling each their "special word" each day ... I dont hear whites calling each other their "special word" each day. Anybody getting the point now? The "N" word has become sooooo prevelant within the black community that it has just become acceptable and ok for them to call each other the nasty word ... especially in music. I think it's just a huge joke and a total double standard when their own "community" calls each other the word like it's just another word (no big deal), but dont dare anybody else say it. I'm like WTF??? If it's an offensive word ... then it's an offensive word ... nobody who's is saying it. I'm just sick and tired of it all whenever this crap comes up in the media ... this is 2013 for crissake!!! I don't like the word ... and never have, but why do we even have this crap still going on today? Maybe because one certain race likes to use it soooo much amongst themselves instead of "de-grorifying" it in music and vocabulary, altogether???? They are the ones that need to do something about it, if you ask me ... jus sayin ...

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Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
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I dont hear Mexican/Latinos spouting their "special word" everyday at each other ... I dont hear Polish peeps calling each other their "special word" everyday ... I dont hear Asian-Americans/Pacific Islanders calling each their "special word" each day ... I dont hear Native-Americans calling each their "special word" each day ... I dont hear whites calling each other their "special word" each day. Anybody getting the point now? The "N" word has become sooooo prevelant within the black community that it has just become acceptable and ok for them to call each other the nasty word ... especially in music. I think it's just a huge joke and a total double standard when their own "community" calls each other the word like it's just another word (no big deal), but dont dare anybody else say it. I'm like WTF??? If it's an offensive word ... then it's an offensive word ... nobody who's is saying it. I'm just sick and tired of it all whenever this crap comes up in the media ... this is 2013 for crissake!!! I don't like the word ... and never have, but why do we even have this crap still going on today? Maybe because one certain race likes to use it soooo much amongst themselves instead of "de-grorifying" it in music and vocabulary, altogether???? They are the ones that need to do something about it, if you ask me ... jus sayin ...


You're obviously one of those special people who just don't get it. While we (with Mexican heritage ) didn't grow up calling ourselves the derogatory term the few times we joked around and did it wasn't taken like the times a group of white kids called us that. It doesn't matter how many times I joke with a friend or family using one of those words it doesn;t mean someone not hispanic gets a free pass to say it in derogatory fashion. Cooper wasn't joking around with one of his black team mates when he said it . He was yucking it up with a group of whites. I doubt he'd have the balls to say it out laud in his locker room.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
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Socal- I disagree with you big time on this one. One thing we agree on is that the word is a nasty word but I don't think its as nasty as it once was because how the blacks started to throw it around. The older blacks (70-100 years old) are pissed at todays young youth with how they throw that word around. If you keep throwing that word around most of society is going to think its ok. U cant pick and choice when its ok and when its not.

In my opinion I wish that word was thrown out.

Ok guys I am done with this. Its been a great thread and happy we can all talk about things and not end up calling each other names. That is what was so bad about the ESPN boards. So many trolls.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
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[" If you keep throwing that word around most of society is going to think its ok. U cant pick and choice when its ok and when its not. "

I don't know anyone who thinks it's ok. You think Cooper thought it was ok? You think he thinks it's ok now?

Yes they get to pick and choose now because for generations they had no choice none. Don't you get that? A 10 year old white kid could walk up to a 40 year old black man or woman and yell it to their face and these people had to take it.In fact the kid would be told he did a good thing. Alabama didn't have a black player till 1972. It's nice of YOU to think everything is hunky dory now and believe me things are much much better and every generation seems to be more and more tolerant . But just because some in that African American community use it when we wish they wouldn't does't give some knuckhead like Cooper the right to say it because there are still plenty of good black people who it offends and for them we shouldn't .
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Apr 19, 2013
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Im not saying its ok, Im saying if it keeps being thrown around like that people will think its ok. Not now. Future. Blacks cant say its ok for blacks to use it and not ok for whites to use it. That is racism right there.

Again I agree cooper was wrong. I also agree there are a lot of educated and well rounded black men here in this world. I feel for them. I don't use the word because I know its wrong.

Sorry I had to throw one more post out there.

Socal you do know Im on the side of not using the word and that its a very offended word. I do not use that word. I do not think its ok to use it overall. Not just for whites. That is what my argument is all about. Its about being equal.


Jul 6, 2013
Regine's butt
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You're obviously one of those special people who just don't get it. While we (with Mexican heritage ) didn't grow up calling ourselves the derogatory term the few times we joked around and did it wasn't taken like the times a group of white kids called us that. It doesn't matter how many times I joke with a friend or family using one of those words it doesn;t mean someone not hispanic gets a free pass to say it in derogatory fashion. Cooper wasn't joking around with one of his black team mates when he said it . He was yucking it up with a group of whites. I doubt he'd have the balls to say it out laud in his locker room.

I think you should re-read my post again without the blinders on and actually read what I typed ... and try to comprehend the point. I, 100% agree, Riley Cooper used it in a very derogatory manner during some "sort of confrontation with somebody". It was very wrong for him to do that ... plain & simply WRONG. I tried to go beyond just this one incident in pointing out that the "N" word is probably one of the most "misunderstood" and "misused" words in today's society. Again, you dont hear other etnic groups calling themselves their "special word" each and everyday in their conversations, music or movies. Maybe if a certain "ethnic group" would stop using it like they do everyday, maybe it would finally "get the come-uppance" it deserves ... ? ? ? I don't know how many times I've heard this same point brought out by prominent African-Americans in today's society preaching to their own community to just stop using it ... Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackson ... the list goes on. It's their "own society" (mainly younger generationers) that seem to want to keep it around, instead of "de-glorifying" for whatever reason they choose to do so ...


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Jul 13, 2013
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this is slightly off topic .... but not much.

are white south africans who move to and become citizens of the usa considered african americans?

i never believed this was the correct terminology. in fact, i think it's rather stupid to call black people, which is descriptive, african americans, which isn't descriptive. black people in this country, for the most part, have never been to africa. there's nothing african about them at all! and there are black people who did not originate in africa. if you're great grandfather came from italy do you expect to be referred to as italian american? somehow i think you just rfefer to yourself as an american. how about blacks in england? are they called african britishers?

as you can see .... this gets to be really stupid! for me it's very simple. if there's a need to point out race i use the straight forward 'black' or 'white'. there's nothing inherently derogatory about these terms.


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Craig I agree with you 100%


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Jun 11, 2013
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Looks like we can't escape the racial discussions anywhere anymore.

For me personally, the constant complaining from the black community is becoming quite annoying, and never ending.

That's all I have to say about this topic.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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this is slightly off topic .... but not much.

are white south africans who move to and become citizens of the usa considered african americans?

i never believed this was the correct terminology. in fact, i think it's rather stupid to call black people, which is descriptive, african americans, which isn't descriptive. black people in this country, for the most part, have never been to africa. there's nothing african about them at all! and there are black people who did not originate in africa. if you're great grandfather came from italy do you expect to be referred to as italian american? somehow i think you just rfefer to yourself as an american. how about blacks in england? are they called african britishers?

as you can see .... this gets to be really stupid! for me it's very simple. if there's a need to point out race i use the straight forward 'black' or 'white'. there's nothing inherently derogatory about these terms.

LOL. Seriously you can't be this ummmmmm (I wont say it). Blacks were brought here in chains as property. I'd call myself african american if I was black if I wanted to even if you didn't like it . White settlers (south Africans today) moved there about the time blacks were being forced into slavery. I'm sure if my italian great gandfather ( I do have an Italian grandfather) was placed into slavery as a matter of pride I'd say I was Italian American.
I love it that people who dont realize that as late as 1972 schools like Alabama didn;t even want blacks on their team like to say it's time for a group to just forget how their parents and grandparents were treated.


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and those same people wouldn't want their young youth calling each other the N word.


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This is what gets on my nerves. People such as SoCalJim, they always go back in time and talk about how Blacks were once treated, or how they were enslaved.
People like this, always fail to mention how other groups were treated, such as the Irish, (using the Irish since I am Irish) but this goes for Italians as well. We were treated very poorly, not only in this country, but in our own as well. The thing is, these two groups moved on, put those things behind us and created a better life for ourselves. Slowly blending into the rest of American population. Not complaining of the days where we were spit on, discriminated against, and shoved aside. But moving forward, building respect, and earning our place in American society.
If the blacks want to be treated as just another American, then they need to act as such. Stop furthering themselves by using words such as the N word, stop the complaining, and stop the begging for hand outs because of the way you were treated 50 to 400 years ago.

In other words, SoCalJim, find the USC board, and use it.


Jul 6, 2013
Regine's butt
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Let's not forget the Chinese and the Native Americans ... were they treated fairly, also??? I dont hear them complaining whenever a word is used or something comes up in the media ...

I'm guessing prolly b/c they are not some million-dollar-paid athlete or some rich, prominent, public figure that has risen to the point where they can actually make a complaint, where it matters or people might listen to it ...
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Actually there are a lot of people upset with the name Redskins. And a lot of teams were forced to change their mascot names because of issues related to race. (Stanford, Syracuse, Marquette). Florida State pays the Seminole tribe to OK the use their mascot, so no one cares.


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Sorry, but I feel no personal shame for slavery. As far as I know, none of my ancestors owned slaves. There is however a possibility that I have a very distant ancestor who was a Viking. Vikings were known to take Scots as slaves, but I also have Scottish blood so perhaps one of my ancestors was a slave. Being a Christian, it is also possible that I have ancestors that took Muslim slaves as it is also possible that I haves ancestors that were enslaved by Muslims. My ancestors came to America after slavery was abolished.

America seems to get all the blame for slavery but slavery was in ancient Egypt (Africa), ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire. Slavery has existed on every continent except Antarctica. Canada, Mexico, China, Russia, Sweden, Great Britain, France, Australia, Chile, Bolivia, and many other countries had slavery. The entire continent of Africa had slavery and African countries were some of the last to abolish slavery. I bet if you asked a citizen of any country other than USA if they were ashamed of their history of slavery most would say that America was the only country that had slaves.

More than any other country, America, with our ideals for liberty should have never permitted slavery. But, Jefferson abolished the import of slaves in 1808. It took too long and it took a war to end slavery in America, but we did end it. And how many "whities" gave their lives for the war that ended slavery? Black people need to remember that the guy they call "cracker" may be someone whose ancestors never cracked a slave whip and fought in a war that ended slavery.


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I agree with you 100% (except for the Viking stuff). I hate it when someone, or a group of people tells me what I should or shouldn't be ashamed of. Or how I should feel about things. Or which which things should or shouldn't get me upset. That's why I don't like it when I hear people tell other groups what should or shouldn't offend them. If my neighbor feels guilty about something that happened 150 years ago, that's his right. If I don't feel guilty about it, that's my right. So if someone is offended by someone else using a term that they feel is offensive, I'm not going to tell them that they are wrong. Any more than I will accept the argument that I have a moral responsibly to feel guilt about something that happened years before my ancestors came to this continent.


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Jul 13, 2013
spotsylvania, county, va.
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LOL. Seriously you can't be this ummmmmm (I wont say it). Blacks were brought here in chains as property. I'd call myself african american if I was black if I wanted to even if you didn't like it . White settlers (south Africans today) moved there about the time blacks were being forced into slavery. I'm sure if my italian great gandfather ( I do have an Italian grandfather) was placed into slavery as a matter of pride I'd say I was Italian American.
I love it that people who dont realize that as late as 1972 schools like Alabama didn;t even want blacks on their team like to say it's time for a group to just forget how their parents and grandparents were treated.

1972 was 41 years ago! maybe you refuse to see any change but that's just too bad. it's not 1972 anymore. and being hung up on what YOU feel is the politically correct moniker is no concern of mine.
as far as i'm concerned you can call yourself whatever you please. the name doesn't change the condition. isn't it funny how you yourself used the reference term (black) several times? and you're trying to call me thick?
it doesn't really matter how the black race was brought here or what they went through in regards to this topic. it's not a discussion about the history of race.