Well-Known Member
Which one should I get if I put a lot of music on my phone? Not really sure because I never had to get a phone by GB. Is 64 good enough or should I do 128?
I don't know if any of the new generation still has it at all, but the s5 at least had removable storage. The new s6 doesn't, neither do most of the "premium metal" phones of this generation.
With a phone without removable storage the 32, 64, 128, whatever GB is all you get and all you ever get. All of your apps, all of their apps, all of your pictures, videos, songs etc all has to fit on whatever you buy upfront. With removable storage, you can pay for something as little as 32 GB, maybe even 16 GB, and you can buy as many 64 GB micro SD cards as you want (for1/2 or even 1/3 of the price that extra memory on the phone itself costs) and if you need more room for more songs or videos in 2 years, you do t have to erase old stuff or buy a whole new phone. Any apps do need to stay on the actual phone storage though, they don't let you put apps on SD card anymore.
You can buy SD cards for like $10 for a 32 GB, I saw 128 GB for $30 on sale the other day. Going from a 32 GB phone to a 64 GB is probably an extra $100.