likes oatmeal lumpy
The only thing better than swearing: swearing in a swear-free environment.
fuckin shit. been waiting for a while for the wings to put together a nice string bu it just aint happening right now. not getting any consistency in the lines, obviously. but oh well, i'm not too worried yet going into the playoffs. this team has never measured success by regular season wins/losses.
howard looked solid.
always nice to see huds pick up a goal.
modano looks dangerous to me.
on the other side: the canucks are a really fuckin good team and it pisses me off. there's two reasons: sedin and sedin. those fuckers just fuck shit up with their identicalness. luongo played a helluva fuckin game tonight, but he doesn't scare me yet in the playoffs. i know this is a cliched point of view, buti kind of believe it.
finally, re: the four letter network: i'm pretty sure there's one person's head i wouldn't mind matt cooke throwing an elbow into, and that's the fucking giant head mickey mouse controlling the levers over there.
yeah he was pretty stellar. I also think that last penalty was pretty soft. not sure why thats called. but its was a great game.
Is it just me, or is Lou slowly but surely getting better at handling the puck?