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All on Lou


Jun 24, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Alot of good posts on this thread, here's my take

Past: I've posted on here about the whole Parise fiasco before and I still stand by what I said. Lou did the right thing when giving him the 1 year deal off of the major knee injury. However, he completely dropped the ball by not negotiating with his agent from the All-Star break - through the end of the year when Parise had proved he was healthy and still a star. Once he hit free agency, he made the decision to go play back home. I don't want to hear anybody bitch about not trading him. Everybody would have flipped out, we would not have gotten a whole lot for him (would have been like the Kovy trade) and we probably don't even make the playoffs last year! I still blame Lou too, but let's be rational about it. Lou took the chance, we almost won the Cup and then he walked. End of story.

Present: Nevermind won a game, when was the last time we friggin scored? The PP is a disgrace and it just goes to show how many 3rd line players are really on this team. Too many grinders and mediocre players and not enough playmakers/goalscorers. Doesn't fit the system we have. It just sucks, when the team was completely healthy, we were so tough to play against. But with the extended injuries to Marty and Kovy this year, we were never able to get on a roll like the past few years. Oh, and the defense SUCKS. As a team, they are extremely slow and have no offensive capability. How is Larsson not in the lineup every night? Ok, rant over.

Future: Now I think the future is alot brighter than most. Team is in a very good situation cap wise. At this point, Kovy should not bother coming back but rest and be 100% ready for the fall. If that happens, the team will probably secure a top 5 draft pick. (Lou is a dumbass for not dumping the first round draft pick last year) I think we're going to see Marty and Elias go out together after next year and I think the organization will go through a mini-rebuild. Not the end of the world, but it will be different. In terms of the extra money, I don't want to see it wasted on stupid contracts that Lou has given out over the past 5 years.

Clarkson - Not one penny more than 3 million a year or just let him walk.

Zajac - WTF? I'll give him a "pass" this year (I guess) but I hope that contract doesn't blow up in our faces. He better realize he's a big part of this franchise now and needs to play 1000 times better with the money he's making now.

Let's bring up some of the younger Defensive prospects in camp and hope a few of them crack the lineup next year. Also excited to see if Boucher can grab a spot and see what all of the hype is about.


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We all wish Parise was still here. But to rehash an old argument that we've had a million times, nobody knew what Parise would be like after coming off of a knee surgery that caused him to miss an entire season. If we had signed him prior to that year and he had a bum knee we'd be pissed.

I'll be critical of Lou for certain things, like re-signing Bryce for 3 years and giving him the captaincy. I think that handcuffs in a lot of ways.

It just seems like too many people here have a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't attitude toward Lou now. I'll say it again, we're not in terrible shape for the future.

I understand what you are saying about his knee.. but this isnt the first time we have seen lou do this... Nied, Rafalski, Gomez, the list of talent is there.... Its just his business way... yes we have three cups, but come on you think other teams are dumping talent like that... you think the Pens would do that... hell they went out and got stronger this year.... it seems like we are always in the hunt and if we get the breaks and play our game we can win... but we never take that step to insure a dominance in the game like we could....


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Tanking this year like we have, might be the best thing for the team overall...


NJ Devils: Sweden West
Aug 28, 2010
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Had to assume this was going to catch up to us:

We subtracted 100 goals from last year over the past month with no Parise, Kovalchuk or Sykora.


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It's like subtracting Malkin and Crosby from the Pens lineup. Not only do you subtract their goals, but you are subtracting their assists on others as well. Guys like that make the players around them better.

Guys like Kovy and Parise do the same. So when they are gone, they have a two fold effect on the team. I think people forget that when you lose a player of that caliber, you also take away the influence they have on their linemates. Any coincidence Zajac is awful with Parise now gone?

Certain players have that ability to not only contribute themselves, but directly help others contribute. Right now, the Devils lack any player that can do that with Kovy out. Call them stars, whatever you will. But successful teams have them. Right now, the Devils don't have a single one. And it shows.


F U Kovy/Parise
Sep 29, 2010
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And it is Lou's job to go out and get another top tier forward instead of stockpiling grinders.


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Jul 6, 2010
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And it is Lou's job to go out and get another top tier forward instead of stockpiling grinders.

Easier said than done I imagine. I don't think we're that far off from being legit contenders again to be honest. If we land a legit pick this year and play the free agency game well (don't have any bad signings, maybe pickup a solid free agent), I think we're good.

I don't think the free agent has to be a world class, gamebreaker like a Parise or a Kovy either. They just need to be a dependable top 6 winger. The guys we have need to do their jobs though. If Henrique and Zajac don't step it up then we're dead in the water. If those guys do what they're capable of it's a whole other story.


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Jul 6, 2010
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And I know people will hate to hear this, but we really could use a character guy. Maybe we could kill 2 birds with one stone and sign a top 6 guy that is also a leader, but I feel like this current team lacks that guy.

The team that went to the finals last year had a certain swagger about it that's missing this year. I really don't think our talent level fell off that severely, I do think the whole mindset and our confidence has fallen off though. I hope we get somebody that can bring some confidence to this team.


F U Kovy/Parise
Sep 29, 2010
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Off course, it won't be easy to get a top forward, but it is Lou's job. Simple math. One goes out (Parise) and one must come in. Agree that he doesn't have to be on Kovy' level but he has to be our 2nd best scorer.
Sep 18, 2010
SW Ohio
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Now that I'm numb to what the team does for the rest of this pitiful excuse of a conference title defense. I'm ready for the offseason!

First let me say I agree with everything said in this thread, this team needs an overhaul and a kick in the ass toward the reality which is the new NHL. Last year was fun as hell for me as a fan but we now know it was a fluke because minus Parise this is the exact same team and that team outside of the first 12 games is only good at padding the opposing goalie's stats.

You all are absolutely right on the fact that we have Kovy,Elias,Zajac and a bunch of 3rd/4th liners which would win in 1995 but not in 2013. For all the praise Lou gets for "retooling" this organization he has dropped the ball more times in the past 10 years than he has done this retooling everyone bows down to him over. I'm sick of watching every single fucking trade deadline and not hearing our name in any deals except for a former 90's Devil or another fucking bottom 6 forward like that is the "missing link" for us to win a championship.

I give him credit for transfroming us from the "Mickey Mouse organization" that Gretzky called us and deservedly so to the perennial contender we have been for the past 20 years, 18 of which I have been privileged to have been a part of as a fan. But times must and always do change and he has failed to do that by not using common sense and reacting to his surroundings and how they effect this team. It's time for him to go and bring some new blood in here before we become the Oakland Raiders under Al Davis or the Cowboys under Jerry Jones. Teams and fanbases who have to suffer because the powers that be don't know when to quit,can't get out of their own way and refuse to change with the times to greater benefit the team, which in turn will benefit them in a raise in profits.


Way too mad about Rep!
Sep 13, 2010
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If Henrique and Zajac performed like they did last year, this wouldn't even be a topic. Lou gets blamed for 1 thing. Not getting rid of DeBoer when he was being to stubborn to sit Hedberg, also for taking out Larrsson and Lokti and even Sullivan yesterday.


NJ Devils: Sweden West
Aug 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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It's a razor thing line to make the playoffs in the modern NHL. If we had just won half of our overtime+SO games, we'd be in the playoffs. If Kovy hadn't been hurt we would have won a couple more games in that bad stretch. If Marty hadn't been hurt we we would have won a couple more games. All of a sudden we're in 5th.


F U Kovy/Parise
Sep 29, 2010
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Zajac only played in 15 games last year. Of course Henrique did well although he wasn't that bad this season. Not he traditional sophomore slump. Even if Zajac had a mediocre season and Henrique played even better, we're still missing Parise's 31 goals and 38 assists. He made the guys he played with even better. We wouldn't be discussing this if Lou had replaced him with a legit replacement. Instead, we got the great Bobby Butler. Unreal.


Don't ever play Lady of Spain again
Apr 23, 2010
Deep in the heart of Jersey
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This is really sounding like a rags fan thread. An off seasn and everyone turns into whiners


F U Kovy/Parise
Sep 29, 2010
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Just bringing the facts.


Way too mad about Rep!
Sep 13, 2010
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This is really sounding like a rags fan thread. An off seasn and everyone turns into whiners

You expect anything less? Can't blame Lou for the bad bounces and head-scratching lineup changes. He calls people up, DeBoer doesn't play them...yep, Lou's fault. We don't have the money Parise wants to come back, Lou's fault. We give Zajac a contract the majority of us thinks he deserves, he underperforms its gotta be Lou's fault.

I haven't mentioned every other Devil not named Brodeur underperforming, but it all Lou's fault.