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All on Lou


F U Kovy/Parise
Sep 29, 2010
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Let's Parise leave without getting anything for him. Then doesn't replace him with a talent anywhere near Parise's level. We go into the season with Kovy as our only legitimate scorer. What did he think would happen if Kovy went out for any amount of time?


Sep 9, 2010
New Jersey
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He is not capable to think well anymore. Old fashioned GM. It is time for him to step down.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +10000000000000000000000000000000

parise is the nail in lous coffin.

still cant think of him as a greatest gm of all time. you cant let all the devils talent in recent memory just up and walk. esp if you dont see the writing on the walls? every player leaving brought this cliff closer and closer. i also think not giving up last years pick was a HUGE insane mistake


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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He is not capable to think well anymore. Old fashioned GM. It is time for him to step down.

this organization has lou-aide all through its veins. they need to gut everything like tearing down an old house.

when was the last time albany fielded a winning team? outside king slayer what devil draft pick outside the top round has stepped in and done anything?

too many of uncle lous players are in the system coaching these kids. t-bone our goalie coach? no wonder frazze or kinkaide cant crack the lineup during two 8 game losing streaks!

stevens defense? enough said!

his son albany gm?


Sep 9, 2010
New Jersey
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Totally agree with you nj_cup. The same as firing Julien when we won the division - wasn't it stupid? Look at the Boston team now...???


Aug 5, 2011
Close your eyes...
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hey now, there's no more ex devils from the 90s still playing right? we have them all no?


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Jul 6, 2010
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I'm still keeping the faith. It's tough to replace a guy like Parise, especially when all of the best free agents were off the market by the time he made his decision. I also don't see the future being as grim as everyone else does. We're in a great spot in terms of our cap situation, especially compared to some other teams.

We have this Reid Boucher character in the system, Matteau could ultimately be a better version of Clarkson, Merrill and Urbom should be making there way up to the big club soon enough. Henrique is in a sophmore slump, that just about everybody goes through, I have faith he'll bounce back. If Loki re-signs that was a steal. And then we may get a really good impact draft pick this year. It's not all doom and gloom guys.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Good post NM.
Nobody is happy, but lets stop acting like ranger fans here.
Parise is gone. Forget him. There was NOBODY on the market that could replace him, and its not easy to just trade for a guy like Parise because teams do not just give them away for free. This is not a video game.

Last year's run, nobody was questioning the Devils moves.
Of course I also don't agree with all of Lou's moves. I would have gave up the Devils first round pick in a heartbeat. Yea, its easy to criticize the move now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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One more thing. Venting is fine, but does anybody want the Devils to somehow miraculously win every game and somehow sneak into the playoffs this year? I don't. This team will get spanked.
Few weeks ago?
I would not have said this at all. I felt the team could get on a roll and go deep.
Now, no way. There is 0 confidence on this team right now. Even with Kovy back, I don't see this team going far.
They are better off losing the games. I am not suggesting tanking games. Give us the effort but I want Lou to see this team has trouble scoring goals. Its evident and needs to be addressed in the offseason.

Here is how I feel about this team.
Before the season, I was thinking 7-8 seed. But I am a fan, so of course I will bump them up a bit.
Then the hot start, I was thinking wow, this team might actually be top 3 in conference.
Finally, the team started losing. Now I don't think the team is as bad as the last 6 weeks indicate, but I also do not think they are the team that was winning early on.


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Oct 13, 2010
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I agree RP, I dont want them to win out and make the playoffs.... why do that and face the Pens in the first.... we will be bounced in 4. Then everyone will be mad about that... we are going nowhere this year and I have accepted that. With that being said, I dont want Kovy to rush back for that reason... why risk further or permanite injury? for a season that is lost.

I do dissagree with the whole "its hard to replace or trade for the talent of Parise... no one was available that was as good" comments. The problem is, Parise should have never been in a spot to leave. That is all on Lou. He has to get over this wait until contracts are up BS because that is how you lose talent. Someone like Parise and his talent level needs to be recongized and signed long term. We had the money, it could have been done... it wasnt..... its a familiar story and they walk and we get NOTHING in return. No reason he couldnt have been locked up the year before.... but thats Lou and look at his team now.... its the reason we have a bunch of 3rd and 4th line talent that cant score... 0-10, back to back shutout loses.... His face at the games is priceless.... the sad thing is, the team is outplaying all these teams... they just cant score at all....


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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I was talking about after Parise signed with the Wild, but I cannot disagree with anything you posted.

Funny, he failed to sign Parise which right now looks like a huge mistake.
Then he actually did sign Zajac which (I hope I am wrong) might be a mistake.


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Jul 6, 2010
North Jersey
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One more thing. Venting is fine, but does anybody want the Devils to somehow miraculously win every game and somehow sneak into the playoffs this year? I don't. This team will get spanked.
Few weeks ago?
I would not have said this at all. I felt the team could get on a roll and go deep.
Now, no way. There is 0 confidence on this team right now. Even with Kovy back, I don't see this team going far.
They are better off losing the games. I am not suggesting tanking games. Give us the effort but I want Lou to see this team has trouble scoring goals. Its evident and needs to be addressed in the offseason.

Here is how I feel about this team.
Before the season, I was thinking 7-8 seed. But I am a fan, so of course I will bump them up a bit.
Then the hot start, I was thinking wow, this team might actually be top 3 in conference.
Finally, the team started losing. Now I don't think the team is as bad as the last 6 weeks indicate, but I also do not think they are the team that was winning early on.

Pretty much agree 100%. 2/3 weeks ago, pre trade deadline when we were still in the playoffs, I was fully on board. Now, you can see certain guys have completely packed it in.

I agree we're not as bad as this current streak we're on. I don't think we're a team of 3rd liners with no talent. There is some weird mindset the team is in, maybe the revolving door on D screwed with guys heads, the loss of Parise, Kovy's injury, Marty's injury, Zubrus injury, impact a lockerroom that is already short on leaders. I think we're better off letting certain guys walk in the offseason and starting a youth movement.

We don't need some drastic, blow the team up style of offseason, but more of a trim the fat, tweaking of the roster offseason.


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Sep 16, 2010
Alberta, Canada
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He honestly thought Parise was gonna stay, he didn't and the Zajac signing had to be done or we'd all be bitching about letting him walk too


F U Kovy/Parise
Sep 29, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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We have to be honest and admit Lou fucked up the whole Parise situation otherwise we'd be in denial.
If Lou doesn't realize this team can't score, he's a moron.
I'm tired of drinking the "Lou juice". Shit is getting very stale.


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Jul 6, 2010
North Jersey
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We all wish Parise was still here. But to rehash an old argument that we've had a million times, nobody knew what Parise would be like after coming off of a knee surgery that caused him to miss an entire season. If we had signed him prior to that year and he had a bum knee we'd be pissed.

I'll be critical of Lou for certain things, like re-signing Bryce for 3 years and giving him the captaincy. I think that handcuffs in a lot of ways.

It just seems like too many people here have a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't attitude toward Lou now. I'll say it again, we're not in terrible shape for the future.


F U Kovy/Parise
Sep 29, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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It's being rehashed on it's own. Especially when this team can't score ONE FUCKING GOAL. Don't worry, the plethora of 3rd liners will pick up the slack. Fact is, in the old NHL, Lou was one of the best GM's. In the new NHL, he's towards the bottom.


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Sep 16, 2010
Alberta, Canada
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I don't like the Sal signing at all but Parise handcuffed this team not Lou... by pissing around and not deciding right away put us waaaay behind while everyone else was signing people we were waiting on Parise, only to be left at the altar