When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
well was hearing on TV the other day. That he is Executive Producer by name only (or so is claimed) because he was a big name actor. I guess to give the movie more clout.I've said this from the beginning.
Baldwin the actor shouldnt get in trouble.
Baldwin the Producer should absolutely be held accountable.
He was the one to cut corners. He was the one that got rid of the actual experienced guy to save money with the inexperienced.
The negligence as the man in charge is definitely on him. His reckless decision on safety is what led to this person's death.

So sounds like they will get rid of my reason he should be held responsible. Sounds like there are many more producers above him & were making the decision making, I accused him of making. If in court this is found to be true. I predict he walks with no punishment.