there was a poster on the old ESPN boards who claimed to be a Yankees and Red Sox fan. Actually, there may have been several.
I do enjoy watching a number of NL teams along with the Yankees, but fuck that.
I think the fact I'm Canadian makes me like the Blue Jays. To me the Red Sox are my #1 team. Still how can 1 be a Red Sox and Yankees fan? That's like 2 sides of a very big coin there.
there was a poster on the old ESPN boards who claimed to be a Yankees and Red Sox fan. Actually, there may have been several.
there was a poster on the old ESPN boards who claimed to be a Yankees and Red Sox fan. Actually, there may have been several.
Yanks inked Chris Carter to 1/3M. Provides good insurance for Bird/Austin and makes for a useful platoon partner.
I agree, I'm no Yankee fan but Jeter was a guy I always enjoyed watching playing.