Raving lunatic
so... is the NFL just waiting for more evidence, or for the court case to play out, or do they really think hitting a grown woman is worse than hitting 2 little kids?
Looks like Roger picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
HAHAHA. I laughed out loud literally on that one.
I spank my kids when they deserve it. Sometimes they get a belt, but not very often. They have to be pretty damn rotten to get spanked versus grounded or a time out depending on what it is. We don't usually get to a pretty bad spot to get spanked, and if they laugh or continue misbehaving directly after the hand spanking, I will get the belt a lay a good one on their behind once to reinforce that I am serious as hell. After that, they are good to go. Sometimes I just have to threaten to get the belt and they shape up.
I think I slapped my daughter once (7 years old), I think she was 6. It wasn't hard enough to leave a mark, but surprising enough she shut her mouth and stopped talking back. I was telling her to knock her attitude off, sitting on the couch, she kept arguing with me for 10 minutes. I told her that was enough, I am done with her. She got right up in my face and said something in a real smart ass way, and I open handed popped her on the face. Like I said, not nearly hard enough to leave a mark, but hard and quick enough to stun the shit out of her. She knocked it off after that.
I hardly ever spank my son, and I have once slapped him upside the back of the head, kinda like Jethro does to DiNoso in NCIS, but he was standing right in front of me, I told him not to do something before he hurt his sister, he kept doing it. I told him to stop it again, and what do you know, the toy flung up and hit his sister right in the face...so I smacked him hard enough to get his attention on the back of his head to say, "What did I just say? Didn't I say that was going to happen?" He said yes, apologized to his sister, and went to his room crying for a couple minutes. Came back down on his own, said he learned his lesson, and would never do that again.
I do not agree with beating the hell out of kids. However, I do think they need more than a tongue lashing once in a while. It teaches consequences. Actions have consequences at times. To literally be afraid of doing something bad. Most kids are coddled now a days because of the overly "Politically Correct" world, and kids are out of control more now than ever.
I agree with punishment, and sometimes spankings on the behind if it comes to that, but I can't understand how someone would go through all the effort to have a child if all they plan to do is beat the poor thing when they do something wrong. Spanking should only be used as a tool to get their attention, let them know there are consequences, to make them think first before acting in certain situations.
Some people do not agree with spanking at all, and that is cool I suppose. If you can manage to get your kids to react properly in situations, to behave, to be considerate upstanding morally sound human beings without spanking, then I say go for it. However, most kids do not respond to just timeouts and groundings. I think it just depends on the kid, and the parent has to know the limits on how far to take it, without damaging the kid physically, or emotionally for the rest of their lives.
I haven't spanked my kids in awhile. it's usually time out or loss of electronics and things like that. I'd say they are pretty damned spoiled at times, but I really don't want them growing up in fear like I did.
Mark me down in the doesn't agree in spanking column. Thanks.
My son is 8. He's never acted up once. Not one damn time.
A little bit of fear is good. It makes them stop and think about what they are about to do when they are about to do something stupid.
Not saying you beat the tar out of them and make them afraid of you at all times, but there should be a healthy aspect of fear in a child when they are about to do something they know they shouldn't do.
I'm tired of watching parents try to be best friends with their kids. It's not our job to be their friend. It's our job to raise them right, teach them right from wrong, and hold them accountable when they do something stupid. Too many parents are eitehr not interested in that, or too afraid to hurt little johnny's feelings. It's same thing with everyone gets a trophy. Bullshit. You win, you get the trophy. You lose, you get shit (well, maybe an icecream after the game, but still).
Whatever the case may be, you shouldn't beat someone hard enough that you leave marks all over their body. Just enough to ensure you get their attention, not bruise them up for weeks.
they know that it's available.
one time when they were kicking each other (fighting) I gave them the choice between push up position and spanking, they chose the push up position.
Im so glad i dont have kids
Viking Nation has spoken:
When you've lost the fans, you've lost. And by that standard, the Minnesota Vikings are in trouble.
VikingsMessageBoard.com, a longtime board devoted to discussion of the Minnesota Vikings, has shut down forever because of its owners' disgust with the burgeoning Adrian Peterson scandal.
Let me first say that I don't give a damn whatever you folks do with your kids.... That said, I think it should be mentioned that there isn't any credible evidence (that isn't completely anecdotal) that physical punishment works. And there is a mountain of evidence that it has unintended consequences both for the child and the adult.
Now, that doesn't mean we should all start yelling at each other..... I think even those that condone corporal punishment would probably agree that what AP did crossed a threshold and should be considered abuse.
There's evidence both for and against. You have some who are very responsive to physical punishment, and those who are not. You have some that will require that physical punishment, and those who don't. The key, as parents, is for us to find what works best for each individual child. No one is the same, nor reacts the same way.
I know this...I was a kid that needed to be spanked for me to listen. My mom tried that grounding, time-out, etc..etc...and I walked all over her. My dad on the other hand...never tried that with him. I knew better. I had enough spankings growing up to know what would happen. My dad spanked me (more than on a few occasions) and I have nothing but the deepest respect for him. Not "fear" of him, but the "fear" of the consequences. My brother on the other hand, you could just look at him and he would break down and never do whatever it was again.
The bottom line is more about how you administer the punishment rather than the act itselve, IMO. You seem to have so many people doing the extremes. Parents who eiteher never punish their kids in an effective manner because they don't respond to verbal threats/groundings, or those parents who beat the shit out of their kids. I think there's a balance, and it's our job to find that balance, and then adjust it to each kid. Just my thought.
I'm sure both of you are terrific people.
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.