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9/11 Never Forget


It’s Raining Falafel
Apr 19, 2010
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For those who have known me since those days you know I can never forget.

Please keep the families of the murdered victims in your thoughts and prayers.

Yup. Always think of you and some of the others I knew that were there. Fortunately, everyone I know made it out.

I have a cousin that was piloting the second in line to take off at JFK. He was looking right at it. And sitting on the runway for 3 hours wondering who was on the other side of that door before Marshals came on and cleared the plane.

He flies cargo for Fed Ex now.


But why is the rum gone?!
Apr 30, 2013
Tampa, FL
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Sept. 11 was the majority of the reason I came back in the military, and it was the ENTIRE reason I became an intelligence analyst. I wanted to be able to do as much as I could to exact revenge on the spineless cowards who perpatrated 9/11, and all those that would follow in their footsteps.

To this day, I still cry when I remember that day.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I was in a cab going past the White House on my way to work when I found out. The first plane had already hit the Twin Towers. The cab driver was trying to tell me what was going on, but his English wasn't very good so I couldn't understand. As we passed the White House, I saw soldiers on the roof with some hardcore equipment and weapons.

I realized what was going on very quickly.

Props to the intelligence community and the vigilence of citizens since that time that have seemingly stopped a number of potential incidents. Remember the fallen. Remember how valuable and precious life is.

I was home almost ready to leave for work at NIH. Mother watching TV, said to me 'the WTCs on fire'. Im like WTF...had recently worked there before moving to DC. They were saying it was a plane accident so I headed out. Got to work just in time to walk into the lobby & see the 2nd plane slam into Tower 2. Hundreds there, everybody holding on to each other realizing it was no accident but the worst attack on our country since Pearl Harbor

We were evacuated when the Pentagon got hit. 10K people running to the parking gargage & trying to get off campus was crazy so a bunch of walked to downtown Bethesda for lunch. Sat there watching the TVs. Nobody touched their meal

My best bud is a lawyer in NYC, worked close to the WTC. Couldnt reach him til 1AM. Told me he had been on his way to WTC1 for a deposition but got held up by traffic on the FDR. There but for the grace of God...

Every minute of that day is etched in my mind like it happened yesterday

God bless all those who perished, the first responders who sacrificed their lives & safety to help


I like your beard.
Jan 17, 2010
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As I get older, it gets tougher to go through this stuff again. My understanding only grows...


A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
Planet Mercury
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Amazing set of photographs. Definitely tough to get through. That "Falling Man" one will be etched into my memory forever. I even watched a documentary on that photo. That was the most the most tragic part of that day I remember. This dichotomy between this singular moment of freedom and escape from the hell above to a certain fate below. A final act of defiance. When I think of 9/11, I think of those poor people that jumped and hope they had some sense of calm and control in those final moments.


Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
May 9, 2010
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Amazing set of photographs. Definitely tough to get through. That "Falling Man" one will be etched into my memory forever. I even watched a documentary on that photo. That was the most the most tragic part of that day I remember. This dichotomy between this singular moment of freedom and escape from the hell above to a certain fate below. A final act of defiance. When I think of 9/11, I think of those poor people that jumped and hope they had some sense of calm and control in those final moments.

i always remember the story of the two that jumped together holding hands. were they strangers? office co workers? casual acquaintances that saw each other on the floor? just mind blowing the events of that day


I can't reMember
Nov 13, 2012
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I was working as the Assistant Manager for the parking garages that serve Circle Centre Mall in downtown Indy. There were three garages, & we used walkie-talkies to communicate between them. I was making my morning rounds (collecting yesterday's revenues, checking in the morning attendants, etc.) when the old lady who ran the booth in on of the garages got on the radio & said "A plane just hit the World Trade Center!" My 1st thought was that it must have been some small private plane, as I assumed that big airliners wouldn't be allowed anywhere near that area. It wasn't until a bit later when she came back on & said that a 2nd plane had crashed into the WTC that I realized that something was terribly wrong.

My boss at the garages (& some of his higher-ups) just happened to be right across the Hudson River in Jersey that day, scoping out a mall that our company was thinking of taking on garage mgmt. services for. He was 'trapped' (no air travel for several days) in NJ, & I was called into the Circle Centre Mgmt. offices for a conference meeting, in which it was decided to close the mall for the day.

There was a big screen TV in that conference room, & it was showing live news coverage of the attack. That was the point where I 1st REALLY understood the magnitude of what was transpiring. :(


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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I was lucky enough not to be involved in any of the attacks nor know anyone that was killed in any of them. For that I am glad. The majority of stories were horrible but there were some great accounts of people helping each other whether by doing something or by just being kind. Look at the kindness shown by the Canadians by taking stranded travelers into their homes, a gesture forgotten by a lot of people because the president made no mention of that in his post attack address focusing instead on pumping England's tires (probably because they agreed to immediately follow us into war).

It was a reminder that no matter where you live, you never know what will happen. Its a terrible way to learn that lesson, but not a bad lesson to learn. Its important to love your family and friends, be nice to others, and enjoy yourself.


The Doobster
Jul 3, 2013
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Yeah, want to thank all you Canucks for your kind words on this somber day. Thank you for understanding this wasn't just an American tragedy but a global tragedy as well. One silver lining from 9/11 is that I believe people really did start caring for each other more than themselves for a few days afterwards. We got a wake up call that all life is precious and selflessness is probably the greatest virtue of humanity. God bless all of you, no matter where you come from. The Doobster loves all people the same.


Bossman you'll be missed
Jul 27, 2010
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I was working at a school in Detroit whose students and the majority of the staff were Arab-Americans. When I heard about the first plane hitting the tower I thought it was an accident, and the thought of lost lives for some reason never crossed my mind. Of course, when the second plane hit we knew what was happening. We spent the rest of the morning calling parents to come get their children so everyone could go home and be with their families.

In the days following the attacks, we couldn't let the students go outside for recess, because of them being of Arab descent alot of ignorant people made threats against the children, and we feared for their safety. We had an instance where a young elementary student was walking to school and was spit on by some dickhead.


The Doobster
Jul 3, 2013
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I was working at a school in Detroit whose students and the majority of the staff were Arab-Americans. When I heard about the first plane hitting the tower I thought it was an accident, and the thought of lost lives for some reason never crossed my mind. Of course, when the second plane hit we knew what was happening. We spent the rest of the morning calling parents to come get their children so everyone could go home and be with their families.

In the days following the attacks, we couldn't let the students go outside for recess, because of them being of Arab descent alot of ignorant people made threats against the children, and we feared for their safety. We had an instance where a young elementary student was walking to school and was spit on by some dickhead.

True man, that's what I don't like about post-9/11 America, I don't see my Arab or Muslim friends being anymore likely of perpetuating a terrorist attack than my Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, or Jewish friends. I think the people who did the attack were just hateful individuals inspired by a distorted interpretation of Islam. I'm proud of my Arab and Muslim friends, they're wonderful people who love America and respect life like most people in the world. I think we should judge people as individuals, not generalize. The terrorists attacked us to make us turn on each other so we would divide up America. We can't let that happen, I have nothing but love and respect for my fellow Americans regardless of where they come from or their religious beliefs.


A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
Planet Mercury
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I was working at a school in Detroit whose students and the majority of the staff were Arab-Americans. When I heard about the first plane hitting the tower I thought it was an accident, and the thought of lost lives for some reason never crossed my mind. Of course, when the second plane hit we knew what was happening. We spent the rest of the morning calling parents to come get their children so everyone could go home and be with their families.

In the days following the attacks, we couldn't let the students go outside for recess, because of them being of Arab descent alot of ignorant people made threats against the children, and we feared for their safety. We had an instance where a young elementary student was walking to school and was spit on by some dickhead.

This video will make you smile. Especially the soldier at the end...

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The Doobster
Jul 3, 2013
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This video will make you smile. Especially the soldier at the end...

That's a great show. Will admit I've shed tears watching it sometimes. Really shows the true character of our society.
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Long Time Member
May 20, 2010
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The day that changed trhe world as we knew it.
Took me a long time to get over some of the images from that day.

God bless everyone who was affected in anyway.

Never Forget


The Doobster
Jul 3, 2013
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The day that changed trhe world as we knew it.
Took me a long time to get over some of the images from that day.

God bless everyone who was affected in anyway.

Never Forget

I agree, in my lifetime, I don't think I'll remember any day as much as I remember 9/11. Really did change the way I viewed the world. Still can't believe it happened.


Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
May 9, 2010
Planet Earth
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it gets heavy at around 2:40


Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Apr 20, 2010
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good effort Marriott :L



Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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good effort Marriott :L


I am sitting in a crowded office tearing up because I get emotional when people are this nice. I bet someone said, "How about free muffins from 9-9:15" and someone else said, "No! We can do better". I believe in humanity more now.