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4/27 Yank$ @ Dutch

Aug 16, 2010
Two hours from anywhere one actually wants to be
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Here's your game thread, LHG.

Game ended a while ago. We lost.

And I am not updating the On the Farm thread much unless there is something to report, like injuries.

A losing team, losing the same old way for several years, is taking a toll on the Hoop, it seems.


Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Here's your game thread, LHG.

Game ended a while ago. We lost.

And I am not updating the On the Farm thread much unless there is something to report, like injuries.

A losing team, losing the same old way for several years, is taking a toll on the Hoop, it seems.
I would have laughed at the the post, but then it took a somber tone.
When I joined the group back on the ESPN board after the 2008 season, we'd been through 4 years of losing at least 85 games. Yet, there was a robust group of fans. However, I think we saw the potential in the farm system at that time. This time period does seem very different. Prior to 2005, the team had an incredible run of 8 seasons of winning baseball, 6 of which saw the team win at least 90 games (and another short just 1 game). Yet, there was only 1 WS appearance and no titles in that 8 year run. 2005-2008 was hard, but the best we'd experienced was an almost title.
Now, we are in the 3rd year (or 4th, if you want to count the 2nd half of 2016) of a barren period. The time period before wasn't quite as long (7 of 8 seasons were above .500) as the first sustained run, and there was only two seasons with 90 or more wins, but the outcome was 3 titles. Now, we face a barren stretch with so much more experienced, making the lows feel even lower. Add to that the fact that the farm seems a lot more barren than heading into 2009 and we don't quite know what to expect from the new executive. Considering this site pulls a lot less casual fans in than the previous location, it will be much more noticeable when a few people retreat from regular posting.
I know that cal has been saying for a while that the forum is slowly dying. Yet it felt like a bit of a resurgence happened last year. I guess we'll see how this season plays along here.
Aug 16, 2010
Two hours from anywhere one actually wants to be
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I would have laughed at the the post, but then it took a somber tone.
When I joined the group back on the ESPN board after the 2008 season, we'd been through 4 years of losing at least 85 games. Yet, there was a robust group of fans. However, I think we saw the potential in the farm system at that time. This time period does seem very different. Prior to 2005, the team had an incredible run of 8 seasons of winning baseball, 6 of which saw the team win at least 90 games (and another short just 1 game). Yet, there was only 1 WS appearance and no titles in that 8 year run. 2005-2008 was hard, but the best we'd experienced was an almost title.
Now, we are in the 3rd year (or 4th, if you want to count the 2nd half of 2016) of a barren period. The time period before wasn't quite as long (7 of 8 seasons were above .500) as the first sustained run, and there was only two seasons with 90 or more wins, but the outcome was 3 titles. Now, we face a barren stretch with so much more experienced, making the lows feel even lower. Add to that the fact that the farm seems a lot more barren than heading into 2009 and we don't quite know what to expect from the new executive. Considering this site pulls a lot less casual fans in than the previous location, it will be much more noticeable when a few people retreat from regular posting.
I know that cal has been saying for a while that the forum is slowly dying. Yet it felt like a bit of a resurgence happened last year. I guess we'll see how this season plays along here.

Agreed. And those really good prospects in the minors keep getting hurt. :eek:

With work, and the Warriors in the playoffs, I can't invest too much in the site now. I will do what I can, and enjoy the interactions. When baseball becomes the only sport, I will be here more often kvetching about RISP, etc.

There just is not a ton to get excited about with this team. The bullpen is fantastic, but how often are they called on to protect a lead? The SP is mediocre to good. The fielding is excellent (except BB9 in left). But the hitting remains atrocious. We are almost a month into the season, and the team is hitting barely above .200.

People seem to assume it is the park. Sanchez made Oracle look small today, he MASHED that one. Probably landed in Hayward.


Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Agreed. And those really good prospects in the minors keep getting hurt. :eek:

With work, and the Warriors in the playoffs, I can't invest too much in the site now. I will do what I can, and enjoy the interactions. When baseball becomes the only sport, I will be here more often kvetching about RISP, etc.

There just is not a ton to get excited about with this team. The bullpen is fantastic, but how often are they called on to protect a lead? The SP is mediocre to good. The fielding is excellent (except BB9 in left). But the hitting remains atrocious. We are almost a month into the season, and the team is hitting barely above .200.

People seem to assume it is the park. Sanchez made Oracle look small today, he MASHED that one. Probably landed in Hayward.
I'm not too big into basketball, plus my wife and I made a deal that she'd root for the Giants if I rooted for the Lakers. She was a rabid fan growing up (her dad was a huge Lakers' fans) but I don't know if she even knows that Lebron is a Laker now. I'm glad to see the Warriors doing so well, though, I was probably more a Kings' fan than any other team, if I could pin down an NBA team I ever really rooted for. As for football, I soured on that sport years ago. Never got into hockey or soccer. Thus, my professional sports' fan world revolves around baseball. Makes it easier to be on here.

I don't understand the Austin at 1st and Belt at lf any more. It made sense when Austin had elbow issues but considering last night's game, when Austin moved to left for Pablo to play 1st, that seems to be a non-issue now. Defense is still a lot better with Belt at 1st and Austin in left, even with Austin's poor left field defense. At least one position is above average that way.

This team is old and it shows. As much as I love the guys out there (Panik, Sandoval, Crawford, Posey, Belt, etc), its time for change. Only Belt and Sandoval have shown decent bats and Sandoval did this last year before fading badly. Belt faded a bit as well before both of them got injured.

Looking forward to more RISP commentary from you. Just don't leave them out there, drive those points home!


Aug 12, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,936.29
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There was a glimmer of hope Friday, with a 3 game winning streak and Bum on the mound. But it was not to be.

I often lurk and will never give up. But it is difficult when things turn bad and there is little help on the horizon.

I am SO grateful to this forum for 2010 2012 and 2014.

Things so many said could never happen, could happen again.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
There was a glimmer of hope Friday, with a 3 game winning streak and Bum on the mound. But it was not to be.

I often lurk and will never give up. But it is difficult when things turn bad and there is little help on the horizon.

I am SO grateful to this forum for 2010 2012 and 2014.

Things so many said could never happen, could happen again.

Oh they will happen again...but not this year


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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Because of the crap pitching, no doubt. :heh:

Lately the pitching has come back to earth. Which is exactly what I said would happen if they don't hit. Too many pressure innings with close games and no run support


Lefty 99
Aug 11, 2010
San Francisco
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,064.42
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Agreed. And those really good prospects in the minors keep getting hurt. :eek:

With work, and the Warriors in the playoffs, I can't invest too much in the site now. I will do what I can, and enjoy the interactions. When baseball becomes the only sport, I will be here more often kvetching about RISP, etc.

There just is not a ton to get excited about with this team. The bullpen is fantastic, but how often are they called on to protect a lead? The SP is mediocre to good. The fielding is excellent (except BB9 in left). But the hitting remains atrocious. We are almost a month into the season, and the team is hitting barely above .200.

People seem to assume it is the park. Sanchez made Oracle look small today, he MASHED that one. Probably landed in Hayward.

Incorrect. It's poor to mediocre. No "good" in it.


Lefty 99
Aug 11, 2010
San Francisco
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,064.42
Fav. Team #1
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Lately the pitching has come back to earth. Which is exactly what I said would happen if they don't hit. Too many pressure innings with close games and no run support

This is horseshit. I pitched for years. Down 3-0 or up 10-0 I wanted to get every single batter out. Score didn't matter, my defense didn't matter and the hitting most of all didn't matter. You either compete or you do not. The SP are NOT competing. And it's got nothing to do with the hitters.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
This is horseshit. I pitched for years. Down 3-0 or up 10-0 I wanted to get every single batter out. Score didn't matter, my defense didn't matter and the hitting most of all didn't matter. You either compete or you do not. The SP are NOT competing. And it's got nothing to do with the hitters.
*Eyeroll emoji*

This does explain your insanity


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2011
Cape Cod
Hoopla Cash
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I never miss a game until this season. I go golfing instead of watching games. I'm trying to get more active and lose some weight and them sucking has been making it easier for me to go out.
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Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I never miss a game until this season. I go golfing instead of watching games. I'm trying to get more active and lose some weight and them sucking has been making it easier for me to go out.
Liked for you working on losing weight and getting more active, not for the the team sucking.