Harbor Center
I wish someone would shoot that coyote ! Damn that's annoying !!
I would definately like to see the devils take more wristers
Its really hard not to like doan I have a world of respect for him.Who was the poster who used to say you've been doaned all the time.I cant remember
yep, I'ts not how hard you shoot it but if there's a screen just get it there before the d men and goalie can get set.
Elias takes too many, it'll never go in. Remember?
TomWopatH8ter was the poster who said 'Doaned' all the time...
TomWopatH8ter was the poster who said 'Doaned' all the time...
Yes that the guy! Thanks dash ! He got DOANED !!! LOL.
Kovy should take more elias hits the net