Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Yeah his constant crying to the refs isn't a good look.
Man...havent if we only heard that before from another superstar...I mean legend
Yeah his constant crying to the refs isn't a good look.
The Cavs defense is still FINE?
Bogut went out. That was the series. GS had no interior D after that.
I don't know if Lebron is the best in the league. I would say Leonard is probably the best based on what he does on both ends of the court.
We DO KNOW Indiana belongs in the D-league however.
Man...havent if we only heard that before from another superstar...I mean legend
His game 4 is going to be abysmal. That boy's probably checked out at this point.
Fitting that this game ends on a Turner missed 3.
I'd gladly take him on the Lakers.
I guess they played it smart. They were like screw playing the Bulls give me the pacers and the #2 seed. Not saying Bulls would beat them but they would be a tougher challenge. Hence Bulls 4-0 against the Cavs this season.
There is no shame losing to the champs, guys
Considering how vocal Paul George is, any doubt he tell Indy he's re-signing with them next season and request a trade.
That was quick
I agree with this statement. Cavs still don't look great but they are doing what they have to. Defense is lacking. To even fall behind by 26points isn't good against this Indy team.Got extra rest and homecourt throughout thanks to the bulls...there was no point killing themselves for the 1 seed. Also WAS is prob the next best team imo
LOL I hope they take half the game off against the Warriors.Considering they came back from a 26 point lead and only allowed 40 points in the 2nd half, the defense was fine for 24 minutes tonight