Your lack of knowledge on all these related subjects is apparent. Probably a good time just to shut the fuck up and stop the bleeding.
Does anyone have any Tim Tebow questions? -- Bellichick
Your lack of knowledge on all these related subjects is apparent. Probably a good time just to shut the fuck up and stop the bleeding.
To catch you up here, SFNL, the homeless guys sent JETS over to plead their case after Snoogins created an alt called MayIPleaseComeBack and requested private audience. JETS strategy was to insult and demean.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm... Does she like slightly overweight 40 yr old internet types?
I didn't know he was convicted of a prior felony dumbass.
Wow. That's a fucked up organization, cheered on by a fucked up fan base.
For all of you who think Jen is attractive, I would like to throw this out there ..... She has a 27 year old sister ... who is off the charts
And .... she's single
Getting out of hand?
It's been there for years.
I wonder why ESPN doesn't spend 1/100th of their air time wringing their hands over this "epidemic" as they do with PED's in baseball?
For all of you who think Jen is attractive, I would like to throw this out there ..... She has a 27 year old sister ... who is off the charts
And .... she's single
Your lack of knowledge on all these related subjects is apparent. Probably a good time just to shut the fuck up and stop the bleeding.
I don't have any pics of Izzy ... Jen gets really weird about me having photos of her.
Jen & Izzy aren't the best of friends ..... a sister rivarly of epic proportions
Jen had her deported years ago ... she denies it, but we all know she did it.
So you slept with her
You're a loser.
Tell me again how shocking it was to hear that a gang member committed a murder.
The ONLY people who were "shocked" by this who have weighed in on this matter, are Patriots fans.
Which is just as shocking as discovering that a gang member committed a murder.
I'll ask you too...Woukd you be shocked if a klan member killed a black guy?
Has only said that the Yankees savior Jeter H Christ is playing today?
You're a loser.
Tell me again how shocking it was to hear that a gang member committed a murder.
The ONLY people who were "shocked" by this who have weighed in on this matter, are Patriots fans.
Which is just as shocking as discovering that a gang member committed a murder.
I'll ask you too...Woukd you be shocked if a klan member killed a black guy?
"I married this stripper, she said she loved me, but 4 years later, she cheated on me. I'm shocked"
- New England
take a break for a 3 and a half day weekend
you need TP and a few days off