Oh and I just wanna give apologies to everyone if I have been even more of an ass hole the last few days, I have been real sick but I actually feel a little better today.
i have been asked to be the tie breaker and guys no wonder you are dead locked
so lets go over the order
raines vs coleman raines with the edge 2
alomar vs biggio , biggio with edge 5
pucket vs winfield wingfield with the edge clearly 5
palmero vs murray murray with the edge clearly 5
belle vs murphy murphy has the edge better defender 5
dawson vs strawberry dawson clearly the better player 2
tettleton vs ripken ripken by far 5
wallach vs parrish slightly to wallach 2
larkin vs fryman larkin huge edge 2
morris tanana,appier rijo gubizca vs cone,key reuschal, fernadez hough
if i were to rate rotations i believe morris was the best over the decade with cone right there i like tanana over key but the last 3 of team 2 have endurance over team 5 staff team 2
bench i like the pop of team 5's bench over team 2 team 5
bull pen i see as even
overall i like team 5 just a bit better
Being I came out on the losing end I feel the need to say a few things.
Biggio over Alomar is hilarious...
I love Dave Winfield but with the edge clearly? Not in this lifetime or any other.
Murray with the edge clearly? Based on what? If you go by numbers alone Palmeiro has a slight edge, more HR's in less AB's, higher OBP.
Murphy over Belle cuz he's a better defender? You are ranking the batting order no? Belle > Murphy with the bat.
No offense to skinsdad at all but this is not a fair way to determine the winner. We stopped letting others vote but we still let someone not in the league decide the winner.
I'll post the Championship now.
I appreciate Skins breaking the tie, nice of him to do. Still looking for best way, I got robbed by 3 guys who didn't give two squirts and I see Nos point here. I think we should only vote league members, rankings break tiesBeing I came out on the losing end I feel the need to say a few things.
Biggio over Alomar is hilarious...
I love Dave Winfield but with the edge clearly? Not in this lifetime or any other.
Murray with the edge clearly? Based on what? If you go by numbers alone Palmeiro has a slight edge, more HR's in less AB's, higher OBP.
Murphy over Belle cuz he's a better defender? You are ranking the batting order no? Belle > Murphy with the bat.
No offense to skinsdad at all but this is not a fair way to determine the winner. We stopped letting others vote but we still let someone not in the league decide the winner.
I'll post the Championship now.
Thanks for voting WLK and don't feel like you shouldn't vote of course you should and I respect your opinion.
If I may disagree with one thing, team 3 has more team speed than team 5 and was not built trying to be a station to station team waiting for the long ball.
have been asked to be the tie breaker and guys no wonder you are dead locked
so lets go over the order
raines vs coleman raines clearly 2
alomar vs biggio , biggio Push
pucket vs winfield Push
palmero vs murray murray Push
belle vs murphy murphy dominated his peers, belle juiced team 5
dawson vs strawberry dawson clearly the cleaner player but more scared of Strawberry, team 5
tettleton vs ripken ripken by far 5
wallach vs parrish slightly 2
larkin vs fryman larkin huge edge 2
morris tanana,appier rijo gubizca vs cone,key reuschal, fernadez hough
if i were to rate rotations i believe endurance has nothing to do with it, team 5
bench i like the pop of team 5's bench over team 2 team 5
bull pen Henke/Gordon lean the edge in their favor
overall i like team 5 just a bit better