Banned in Europe
I've been labeled an angry black man by some here... I've addressed it several times but now I just let it go... My sons are half my wife is 100% and I love them and know that race doesn't define them... I do get involved in discussions about race and try to give perspective from the people in her family from discussion we've had... It's something that's hard for some to truly grasp, I don't care what race a person is I love all races and hate them as well... I married my wife because she is awesome and knows the deepest darkest thing about me and loves me anyway not because she's a certain race... But back to Mebert stealing players... I hate him, regardless of his race...
I've definitely seen you get the attention from some folks in the pit we call the PF. Lol
Every now and then the little lady and I will be somewhere, say a Mexican restaurant, (people often think she's Mexican for some reason. With a squinting issue, I guess.)and she'll say to me "I think we're the only white people in here." My response "We!?!" Hahahaha.
She was adopted and her parents aren't even white. (Dad is a Chippewa grad, and a Chippewa.). But she still forgets she isn't. Which is a nice example of how important race really is. Not at all. And her mom swears we look a like. Despite the foot and half difference and my skin being transparent.