Well-Known Member
The one with the lava spiders?I think I saw that movie on SyFy recently.
The one with the lava spiders?I think I saw that movie on SyFy recently.
I wish I could tell you that puck fought the good fight and Mount St. Helens let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but Mother Nature is no fairy and when she's angry, she lets loose with a fury that few men live to tell about.
My family was coming back from vacation on the I-5 on that day, and were right by the mountain when it popped. (freeway is about 35 miles away). we thought it was kind of neat, but had no concerns at all.
We even stopped for breakfast at a diner after seeing it. Leisurely drove off, and crossed the Toutle river bridge about 10 minutes before the logs and ash wiped the bridge out.
Had no idea it was such a big deal until we got home.
This was a pretty big song in 1980 (released in late '79) and you can all thank me later for putting it into your head.
Well that's the best thing I am going to read all day.