I thought growing old would take longer
I am already searching for tickets
Cheapest I've seen on stub hub were in the $180 range (300 sec).
I am already searching for tickets
Going to? Keep me in mind.
Seriously, I hate all of you.......for now. Don't take this the wrong way.
Seriously, I hate all of you.......for now. Don't take this the wrong way.
Ron Artest needs to be beaten down, probably....btw....
metta world peace. get it fuckin right. sheesh, a guy goes to such great lengths to change his name....
My thoughts.
Pens get eliminated
Bruins continue to game 7
Nucks get eliminated
If all works out I will be a happy man.
Did you see what he did?
Seriously, I hate all of you.......for now. Don't take this the wrong way.
Did you see what he did?