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Pickles will Prevail
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Music

Sorry if it was posted already, just very depressing.

Sorry if it was posted already, just very depressing.
# 5 is far to subjective. No way to quantify or qualify that.
# 9 just a bad comparison
#11 calling complete bulllshit on that one
and as far as douchebags like Ke$ha out selling the Beatles... I blame Steve Jobs for making horrible music easy to download for .99
Most music sales these days are more the product of slick marketing, movie and fast food tie-ins, commercial endorsements/sponsorship, who looks "hot" in a video, etc.
Start with something mediocre, get a good producer and a great marketing dept., sell 8 million records.
If it was, Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers would not be famous. They have been to the biggest embarrassments to "music" in the history of the world.
I've never heard mother fucker used more times in one rant in my entire life.
It has more to do with technology and the fact that music is singles based as opposed to album based now adays. Buying a song for 99 cents is far cheaper than buying an album. Didn't the Beatles just become available on Itunes this year? If these songs today are still popular in 40 years then I'll be impressed.
#and as far as douchebags like Ke$ha out selling the Beatles...
obviously you don't read Johnny Tata's posts out loud
If any of today's music is still popular 40 years from today, then that just means that the music 40 years from now is just that much worse. if that is even possible.If more than 5% of today's music is still popular 40 years from today, I will off myself on December 6, 2051. I think 63 will be too old of an age to put up with this crap.
If any of today's music is still popular 40 years from today, then that just means that the music 40 years from now is just that much worse. if that is even possible.