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Seahawk fans oh Seahawk fans, where art thou Seahawk fans?


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Newton will count more against his teams cap in 2016 than Wilson will.

Poor guy 12 tells us Seattle's "window" is closing because of how much Wilson got paid (its right there in black and white folks) and goes on to tell people that Carolina's window is just opening.

Neither math nor logic are among any talents this poor angry and bitter fan of a once proud rival has.

We only hope this anger of his doesn't get anyone around him hurt. It's really not healthy.
Yes at least he admits it finally damn. Took 2 days but he is starting to get it. Keep going little buddy.

im not going to continue but everyone knows I never said that. I mention its one of the reason because they were paying him cheap and finally had to pony up. They have others that make a ton money hence why they will lose more players.

Keep lying its fun to watch.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Yes at least he admits it finally damn. Took 2 days but he is starting to get it. Keep going little buddy.

im not going to continue but everyone knows I never said that. I mention its one of the reason because they were paying him cheap and finally had to pony up. They have others that make a ton money hence why they will lose more players.

Keep lying its fun to watch.
So which is it? You do like to keep moving the goal posts and changing what you are saying. Am I lying or admitting something? I repeated what you said and showed (again) why your logic is entirely failed.

I know to anyone else actually still following this it seems cyclical and not going anywhere, but I assure you it is. Eventually ALL of these kinds of trolls end up either saying "Ha! I won because I got you to follow me this long" which happens when they are entirely put in their place to the point where nothing else is left, or they claim they are bored which is more or less a take on the first option.

It's coming soon. This clown can't keep it up much longer or someone in his house is going to end up in the hospital. :lol: This kind of bitter tension can't go on forever. Sooner or later he will burst into flames.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Sometimes you hope people really are just trolling with some of the stuff that gets posted.
I hear yeah. This guy is trolling bad. When they start making stuff up it gets bad. I know he is trying to get under my skin but I'm LMAO. Oh yeah


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Fav. Team #3
So which is it? You do like to keep moving the goal posts and changing what you are saying. Am I lying or admitting something? I repeated what you said and showed (again) why your logic is entirely failed.

I know to anyone else actually still following this it seems cyclical and not going anywhere, but I assure you it is. Eventually ALL of these kinds of trolls end up either saying "Ha! I won because I got you to follow me this long" which happens when they are entirely put in their place to the point where nothing else is left, or they claim they are bored which is more or less a take on the first option.

It's coming soon. This clown can't keep it up much longer or someone in his house is going to end up in the hospital. :lol: This kind of bitter tension can't go on forever. Sooner or later he will burst into flames.
:pound: he keeps lying and now he is switching again. WOW.
Oh well. To the normal seattle fans congrats on your season. I know there aren't many on this board. Don't be mad carolina was just the better team this year. Top 4 teams will go after it this weekend.

Now he says I'm bitter when I have said multiple times I think seattle is good. I have stated many times they are better then my 49ers. LOL Keep going this is awesome.

On the next episode he will make up another story……what will it be…… tune in tomorrow to find out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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trust me no one is jealous of the Hawks. its not like you guys are the pats. U won 1 super bowl. congrats and u have been good for 3 years. :clap: My team went through that. Yes we didn't win a super bowl but we made a nice run. My team is rebuilding just like your team will be rebuilding soon. It all goes in circles only difference my team has won more overall. :first:
Dude, I have read many, many posts of yours over the last month declaring the Seahawks window has closed.
This thread is about Seahawk fans expecting to hide under the rock after a playoff loss. You have, how many...40-50 posts in this thread???
Your actions tell me you a jealous. Say whatever you want...you actions say differently.
BTW, just on this page you have 11 posts.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Dude, I have read many, many posts of yours over the last month declaring the Seahawks window has closed.
This thread is about Seahawk fans expecting to hide under the rock after a playoff loss. You have, how many...40-50 posts in this thread???
Your actions tell me you a jealous. Say whatever you want...you actions say differently.
BTW, just on this page you have 11 posts.
nope its called trying to help this little guy out. I was right about the window and he can't take it. I called it. Thats all. Its not a big deal. All windows close. It the NFL.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Dude, I have read many, many posts of yours over the last month declaring the Seahawks window has closed.
This thread is about Seahawk fans expecting to hide under the rock after a playoff loss. You have, how many...40-50 posts in this thread???
Your actions tell me you a jealous. Say whatever you want...you actions say differently.
BTW, just on this page you have 11 posts.
He is the one that brought up the 49ers. So yes I will defend my team but also be real about them. WE suck right now. Hopefully we turn it around. He acts like we were a top team 2 years ago and we were a top team for like 3 years hence 3 NFC championship games and a super bowl.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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nope its called trying to help this little guy out. I was right about the window and he can't take it. I called it. Thats all. Its not a big deal. All windows close. It the NFL.
Yes, eventually they do.
I had no idea that losing a divisional round playoff game meant your team is hosed.
Damn, let's start a 49er thread about how their window has been welded shut! Nevermind, no one cares.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He is the one that brought up the 49ers. So yes I will defend my team but also be real about them. WE suck right now. Hopefully we turn it around. He acts like we were a top team 2 years ago and we were a top team for like 3 years hence 3 NFC championship games and a super bowl.
Your window closed for sure. No question about it. Seattle has the majority of their core players under contract through 2017. You must mean 27 year old pro bowlers are over the hill.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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nope its called trying to help this little guy out. I was right about the window and he can't take it. I called it. Thats all. Its not a big deal. All windows close. It the NFL.
He is the one that brought up the 49ers. So yes I will defend my team but also be real about them. WE suck right now. Hopefully we turn it around. He acts like we were a top team 2 years ago and we were a top team for like 3 years hence 3 NFC championship games and a super bowl.
Your team blows even with the old hardware. If the 9ers were so great over history why is it they have a losing HtoH record ALL TIME against Seattle?
Jealousy is apparent.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Your team blows even with the old hardware. If the 9ers were so great over history why is it they have a losing HtoH record ALL TIME against Seattle?
Jealousy is apparent.
Oh crap I thought I was talking to a real seattle fan that knows football. Damn I guess I was wrong. Again it has nothing to do with this.

but I guess I have to end the argument .

Who has the most Division titles: 49ers 19 ; Most super bowls with in the division : 49ers 5 super bowls beat that. oops you can't. LOL I didn't want to do this but u guys can't be normal.

Fake ass fan base.

* sorry again to the real fans.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,716.70
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Oh crap I thought I was talking to a real seattle fan that knows football. Damn I guess I was wrong. Again it has nothing to do with this.

but I guess I have to end the argument .

Who has the most Division titles: 49ers 19 ; Most super bowls with in the division : 49ers 5 super bowls beat that. oops you can't. LOL I didn't want to do this but u guys can't be normal.

Fake ass fan base.

* sorry again to the real fans.

Rationalizing... The best medicine for those that need to make themselves feel better... **Golf Clap**


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Dude, I have read many, many posts of yours over the last month declaring the Seahawks window has closed.
This thread is about Seahawk fans expecting to hide under the rock after a playoff loss. You have, how many...40-50 posts in this thread???
Your actions tell me you a jealous. Say whatever you want...you actions say differently.
BTW, just on this page you have 11 posts.
Perfect time for that quote too BTW, as it entirely refutes the post just above it.

Poor guy is all over the map and it's funny as hell.

Thought he'd come up here and gloat because this is all he has to be happy about these days and ends up shot down to many times I'm surprised he can get back up again, but then when you are that delusional I guess you really can't see how much failsauce you've spewed all over this thread. What a sad and angry little trollster.

He did say his team is still relevant today. No, he really did. Said Seattle's window is closed and it's because they paid Wilson. Sure, he tries to weasel away now by adding 'and others' as if that somehow changes the stupid it represented. Because then saying Arizona and Carolina were now coming into their windows when they too have players they are paying just goes beyond words. AND he just can't admit Newton will cost his team more this year and next year than Wilson costs his. He just can't admit it. Why? Because it blows up his BS about their window just opening when we know you can't pay a QB a ton of money and still win.

P.S. Don't even start asking him about other QB's that also make a ton of money. But do ask him about the other players for Carolina that cost over 10m next year. I guess they must prevent them from having an open window right? :pound: Charles Johnson will make more next year than Wilson did this year. :shocked: So will Kalil, Stewart, Allen, and Davis.

You can't teach people like him how a salary cap works. While he's stuck on a few players individual numbers or what open cap space they have he pays no attention at all to dead money or bad contracts on the books. You know, the shit that really shows where a team in trouble is at.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Rationalizing... The best medicine for those that need to make themselves feel better... **Golf Clap**
This was a chance to gloat that entirely blew up in his face. You know you won when he's chasing you around putting facepalms on every post you make. :lol: And now he's trying the ancient history means I'm better than you! I mean you can't make this stuff up. Titles back when TV's still had tubes in it means something about how badly you are losing now how? :lol:

Clueless poor little guy.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
U guys keep bring up 49ers u must be jealous of our storied franchise. What do u guys have. LOL nothing.

now if i came out and said crap like this from the start then yes I would be a troll. No I came in here to talk about seattle. I didn't bash them. But u guys want to start. Lets Go. U wish you where 49ers. Your team is a overall joke. 3 good years and u guys think you are special. LOL

good luck with that.

BOOM just knocked it out of the park.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
This was a chance to gloat that entirely blew up in his face. You know you won when he's chasing you around putting facepalms on every post you make. :lol: And now he's trying the ancient history means I'm better than you! I mean you can't make this stuff up. Titles back when TV's still had tubes in it means something about how badly you are losing now how? :lol:

Clueless poor little guy.
poor little guy. hang in there. life will get better.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,716.70
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Fav. Team #3
U guys keep bring up 49ers u must be jealous of our storied franchise. What do u guys have. LOL nothing.

now if i came out and said crap like this from the start then yes I would be a troll. No I came in here to talk about seattle. I didn't bash them. But u guys want to start. Lets Go. U wish you where 49ers. Your team is a overall joke. 3 good years and u guys think you are special. LOL

good luck with that.

BOOM just knocked it out of the park.

Just curious... Did you have anything to do with the 49er's success? Or demise?


I don't give a fuck
Jul 9, 2013
Nowhere near you
Hoopla Cash
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Why are you guys feeding him? I guess it's funny to read.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You guys are all fucking retarded.

One side is legitimately legally retarded. The other side is retarded for going this far to prove the retarded side is wrong.

There you go. See if you can figure out which side you're on. Have fun.