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Announcement-Please All Read


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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It has come to my attention and after doing a week's worth of research here on the SportsHoopla that the losing season we are presently watching with the Rams has many of us adopting a very negative stance in our responses that has developed into an environment of negativity and offensiveness to many of our own.

At times, this negativity has reached troll levels. What I mean by this, is that many of these troll-type comments are emminating from within our ranks; Supposed Rams fans who are using deleterious and nasty adjectives to express discontent with the Rams organization and its progress in year three of the Snisher administration. I'll use myself as an example because it'll give everyone an idea of what I am referring.

I often refer to Shottenehimer as Shittenehimer because of his mind-boggling methods in calling a struggling offense during a game. I also have referred to an owner as the Queen Idiot on many occasions. After following the Rams for 50+ years, sometimes those types of comments offend other Rams fans who may post on here who view the Rams in perhaps a more positive light. So, going foward I am going to cease in going to that level in hopes that we may return the Rams Pages to an environment that is conducive to good banter without offending other Rams fans. My apologies if I have done that in the recent past.

Now as your moderator, I have little tolerance for trolls from other boards and teams coming on this board and violating the rules. I send a fairly swift and stiff message to those folks to nip things in the bud so that chaos and a lot of crap doesn't become the modus operandi. I am going to use a similar approach to troll type comments from within the regular posters here on the board because it has become clear to me that we are creating a posting environment that is not so much fun any more.

So what does all this mean? Well here is what some of my research has turned up in comparing how we respond to the Rams and their losing and how others respond to their teams when they lose right here on the SportsHoopla. This is a composite of data and I will not reveal names due to confidentiality but the responses I asked for are included as a composite from past and present posters:

"We when we lose, I come on this board (Not the Rams board) to hang with people who know how to handle the losing and we discuss things about the team that may or may not help but we don't trash the team like sometimes I see on the Rams board." "Those guys over there (The Rams board) are ragging majorly against their team and I just don't want to go there much anymore."

Another responded like this: "It's just those trolling posts that come from within that are excused as frustrations that overtly offend some because these posters can't or wont hold themselves to a standard and recognize that their behavior is childish and offensive."

Still another told me: "Some of you guys (meaning Rams fans) need to learn how to support a team when they are going through long periods of struggling. I know, we Redskinsfans have not had a good team in a long time but we don't rag the crap out of the team. There is a nasty streak going on over on the Rams board and I think the mod should reign it in."

And finally: "Sometimes some y'all just need to stop trashing the crap out of the organization and understand that they are trying to work out of mess. I know sometimes I rather not even read some of the stuff that gets stated by Rams fans about the Rams. My question is: Why are they even Rams fans"

So, AS you can see, we aren't perceived to highly by others who may come on the board just for some inter-team banter but what I do know is some Rams fans are being offended by how we express our frustrations. So what I am now suggesting is a couple of things: 1) You can still bitch about losses but we'll do it on a vent thread, if someone wants to start that each week after a game, or we can use my post-game analysis thread as the vent thread. You all let me know; 2) I won't tolerate references to the Rams as the "Lambs" by Rams fans or the use of nasty names to refer to coaches/owners any longer just as I don't tolerate it from a rival poster-this starts with me as previously mentioned. If you get too nasty, you'll get a message from me to tone it down; 3) We should learn different ways of expressing frustrations about the Rams than resorting to the lowest common demoninator which has already been discussed. In short, you can still bitch, but don't make an ass of yourself offending others doing it. I think I read that somewhere before...

If you have any questions or concerns, post them here on this thread. See you all on this board. Retroram52.:yahoo:
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Rams 50+ Club Member
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Clearly the boards have suffered from my absence. I will make a greater effort to be present on game day and have my positive, calming influence spread over the board.

You're welcome in advance.


Rams 50+ Club Member
Jun 24, 2014
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Seriously, though, my own frustration comes from the fact that the Rams show us talent and promise one season, leaving us salivating for the next opening kickoff, only to regress to sub-mediocre levels the following season. It is more than simple losing. We see the potential for success, only to have it slip from our grasp. Repeatedly.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Yea tnerb and the style that you presented in your response here is what I am addressing. It is a cogent relating of the facts, that is unobtrusive and an unoffensive. Well done and I would like to see you more on game day or any day for that matter because you remain eligible for the 50+ club and that process still has to be completed if you are interested.


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Apr 18, 2013
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wheres the TLDR verison :<


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Thank you Retro.

You are welcome Raminator. Same goes for you as far as appearances because like tnerb, you both are eligible for the 50+ club and that process is not completed if you are interested.


Apr 17, 2013
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Well, even though I am obviously an advocate for this in general, I too am guilty for sure!

I'm sure Retro no one is looking for Shangri la, however I hated to see all the good posters who have left this site and our boards merely because of the treatment of others, including our team and all within the organization.

IMO, it's okay for some negativity and differing opinions of course. I'm not against that, as they can make for some pretty fun exchanges as we all know. Hopefully we can get back to that banter and will in the Vent threads still for sure!

That said, everyone here probably knows my derogatory reference for Georgia Frontiere too well. Also some of you may remember, (Not here but on SeeBS) I took no prisoners in showing my disgust in Steve Spagnuolo's performance during his tenure in his last two years as the Rams HC.

In the end........ Bravo Retroram! :clap::clap::clap:

We can't ask Sports SportsHoopla posters from others team boards to act respectful and then continually disrespect them ourselves, right? :noidea:

There's a name for that.
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DJ Fieri

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Jun 26, 2014
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If anybody needs help in how to support their team through years of losing please contact me....I'm here to help.

-Signed a Raider fan

DJ Fieri

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Fuck it.

Just drown your sorrows in booze. Or a pussy, whichever is within reaching distance.


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Jul 8, 2013
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OK, a few thoughts on this thread.

First, I want to thank Retro for undertaking the thankless job of moderator. Not an easy job and not one for which I would soon volunteer. It takes a special person.

Second, I have been a diehard Rams fan since 1967. Those of you who try to call me out as not being a Rams fan when I am critical of them, well, fuck off to put it simply.

Third, I don't post very often and when I do, it's mostly negative unfortunately and the result of utter frustration. I need a place to vent, so Retro's idea of a venting thread is probably a good idea.

But here's where I believe that Retro has gone a bit astray. Retro hopes that "we may return the Rams Pages to an environment that is conducive to good banter without offending other Rams fans." Retro is also concerned about what other fans of other teams think of us.

Well, I don't know what will or may offend other Rams fans and I really don't care. As we're learning in this PC dominated world, there is always someone who will be offended no matter how innocent or light hearted the comment. This is especially true when you point out a harsh truth. For instance, if you challenge the prevailing attitude toward a popular personality, you will offend someone. For example, I've alleged in the past that John Robinson was a good coach who did less with more talent during his tenure than a great coach would have accomplished. This theme offends and offended many Rams fans who adored Robinson. Well, if I say this about Robinson, you can guess what I think about today's OC and DC. So what could I say about them without potentially offending an alleged Rams fan?

And I don't even want to get into how little I care what a few fans of other teams think of what we think about our own team.

So, my blathering aside, I really don't see a problem to be rectified by Retro. I'd rather see knowledgeable, critical thoughts from real fans rather than blind, unquestioning adherence to the party line by claimed fans. That's why I come to this site.

And that's my 2 cents.


Rams 50+ Club Member
Jun 24, 2014
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If anybody needs help in how to support their team through years of losing please contact me....I'm here to help.

-Signed a Raider fan

Rooting for Manning has helped salve your wounds, eh?


Rams 50+ Club Member
Jun 24, 2014
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Yea tnerb and the style that you presented in your response here is what I am addressing. It is a cogent relating of the facts, that is unobtrusive and an unoffensive. Well done and I would like to see you more on game day or any day for that matter because you remain eligible for the 50+ club and that process still has to be completed if you are interested.

I remember you telling me about the club before, but this is the first I've noted mention of a "process". Is something required of me? Let's do this thing!


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Yep. I have to confer with the other members first so stay tuned.


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Apr 20, 2013
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I apologize if I have offended anyone.

I have no problems with the nick names Shittenheimer, Queen Idiot or Spigot. Heck, I had fun calling A.J. Feeley, A.J. Horrible and Kellen Clemens, Kellen Can't-Throw.

I'm not offended by anyone's posts or threads. The forums are meant to express four opinions regarding the St. Louis Rams and that is what I have been doing. In case you forgot, I've been posting since January 2009 when many of us were over on CBSsports Rams page. I came over here because you encouraged me and because I f**king love you all. Yes, I've been negative and positive over the years, however, I've just expressing my opinions which is what these forums are for. And I will keep expressing my opinions, negative and positive, for a long long time.

To all my fellow Rams fans, sorry if I have offended you. I will try to hold myself moving forward.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Oh snap who haven't I offended?? :)

I've been mild on the rams threads lately. FSU threads have been brutal. Haters galore


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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I remember you telling me about the club before, but this is the first I've noted mention of a "process". Is something required of me? Let's do this thing!
Yes, besides the standard requirements that Retro has set, you MUST send a crisp $100.00 to each of the current members. :lol:

Thanks for asking tnerb! :suds: