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5 Hour Energy


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Dec 2, 2014
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beer? taters? in what way are they stimulants or vascular constrictors? and no i dont eat bacon, okay maybe once a year i have something with bacon in it, but i cannot even remember the last time i had a piece of bacon.

You poor, poor soul


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Fun story, buddy of mine is in the snack food industry and they were at a convention, setup their stand next to 5 Hour Energy when 5 Hour Energy was just getting off the ground.

His co-worker thought they were sample size bottles and downed 4 of them in rapid succession (if you read the warning it says do not consume more than 2 in 24 hours).

The sales guy at the booth nearly had a heart attack when he realized what happened, guy had to go throw it up in the bathroom and drink about 12 gallons of water the rest of the day. Good times.


Sep 23, 2016
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You poor, poor soul
LoL i cut out a lot of stuff when my middle child was born, i dont drink caffeine, never liked coffee anyway. Cut out sweets cut down on processed foods on fats and cholesterol etc.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
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LoL i cut out a lot of stuff when my middle child was born, i dont drink caffeine, never liked coffee anyway. Cut out sweets cut down on processed foods on fats and cholesterol etc.
So you just go out in the yard to graze when you are hungry?


Sep 23, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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So you just go out in the yard to graze when you are hungry?
No, The animals i eat do all the eating of greens. I take supplements and fiber in place of eating rabbit food.


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LoL i cut out a lot of stuff when my middle child was born, i dont drink caffeine, never liked coffee anyway. Cut out sweets cut down on processed foods on fats and cholesterol etc.

What the hell kinda quality of life is that?


Got Dirt?
Aug 2, 2011
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All that shit is garbage... Red Bull, Monster, 5 hour, just garbage. All that sugar, shit you can't even pronounce without a PhD & the caffeine.

I tried that stuff when it first came out & I was doing a lot of endurance off road motorcycle racing. Yeah, it made me jittery & all pumped up. But it restricted blood-flow, makes muscle tense & it's a diuretic. I found that when I drank any of that shit half way through a 3 hour race I was cramping (arm pump & leg cramps), I had zero energy in the tank & I was getting dehydrated. Even though I drank a gallon of water each day 3 days before an event & consumed water via a Camel Pac during the event. After the race was even worse with extended bouts of cramping, headaches & dark stinky piss. I drank that stuff for a 4 month period which was about 8 races & suffered in my competitions. (Ha, looking back, it may have been because I sucked, LOL)

One of older guys that I raced with saw me drinking a 5 Hour energy before a race & asked me about it. He read the label & said that shit was garbage & no wonder I was hitting a wall halfway through a race. He preached to me about diet, liquid vitamins, good sleeping habits & exercise. I already ate good & I keep my core in good shape with bicycling/cross training & endurance work outs. But it was too late for this race as I had already consumed the stuff. Same results.

Next race I did everything the same, except no energy drinks or shots. Just some powdered Gatorade mixed with coconut water & it was a big difference maker. Never again have I even looked at that crap when I'm at the store.

So, now I just drink 2 cups of average sized coffee's in the morning, black. That's all the caffeine I really drink aside from an occasional iced tea (Southern boys gotta have an damn sweet iced tea once & a while, right?). I still eat well, no fast food. I drink water for the most part during the day & I get at least 8 hours of sleep at night. It seems working out & getting your body into some type of strenuous activity on a daily or semi-daily basis is the key to having a surplus of energy. Not some marketing gimmick, snake oil bull shit.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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All that shit is garbage... Red Bull, Monster, 5 hour, just garbage. All that sugar, shit you can't even pronounce without a PhD & the caffeine.

I tried that stuff when it first came out & I was doing a lot of endurance off road motorcycle racing. Yeah, it made me jittery & all pumped up. But it restricted blood-flow, makes muscle tense & it's a diuretic. I found that when I drank any of that shit half way through a 3 hour race I was cramping (arm pump & leg cramps), I had zero energy in the tank & I was getting dehydrated. Even though I drank a gallon of water each day 3 days before an event & consumed water via a Camel Pac during the event. After the race was even worse with extended bouts of cramping, headaches & dark stinky piss. I drank that stuff for a 4 month period which was about 8 races & suffered in my competitions. (Ha, looking back, it may have been because I sucked, LOL)

One of older guys that I raced with saw me drinking a 5 Hour energy before a race & asked me about it. He read the label & said that shit was garbage & no wonder I was hitting a wall halfway through a race. He preached to me about diet, liquid vitamins, good sleeping habits & exercise. I already ate good & I keep my core in good shape with bicycling/cross training & endurance work outs. But it was too late for this race as I had already consumed the stuff. Same results.

Next race I did everything the same, except no energy drinks or shots. Just some powdered Gatorade mixed with coconut water & it was a big difference maker. Never again have I even looked at that crap when I'm at the store.

So, now I just drink 2 cups of average sized coffee's in the morning, black. That's all the caffeine I really drink aside from an occasional iced tea (Southern boys gotta have an damn sweet iced tea once & a while, right?). I still eat well, no fast food. I drink water for the most part during the day & I get at least 8 hours of sleep at night. It seems working out & getting your body into some type of strenuous activity on a daily or semi-daily basis is the key to having a surplus of energy. Not some marketing gimmick, snake oil bull shit.

Only thing I’ve ever found 5 hour energy useful for is keeping me awake on a drive where I’m tired and been up for several hours. Would never even think of using it and especially not Red Bull or monster to enhance performance of an athletic performance. I will drink black coffee before a workout but that’s about it, and not before an event where I actually have to perform.


Got Dirt?
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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I'm with ya, luckily I don't have to drive late at night...

I think that the energy drinks have lots of marketing money. They do good things for extreme sports & even some of our more traditional sports. But I have to laugh when I see a young guy win a race & the first thing they do in front of a camera is take a swig of this or that. They don't drink that shit but they do like the money.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 3,441.75
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I'm with ya, luckily I don't have to drive late at night...

I think that the energy drinks have lots of marketing money. They do good things for extreme sports & even some of our more traditional sports. But I have to laugh when I see a young guy win a race & the first thing they do in front of a camera is take a swig of this or that. They don't drink that shit but they do like the money.

Exactly. It’s just marketing and it really is ironic because elite athletes literally don’t touch that shit. I find it’s useful for one thing. Keeping you awake when you have to be awake. It’s not even bad to keep you rolling as a study aid (5 hour energy), but using it for athletic performance has the exact opposite desired effects like you said.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
Central PA
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An today’s 5 Hour Energy Flavor of the week is:


What in the fuck is the point of this one?