Bizzle McDizzle
all of your teams suck
Good god i hate dangle belly button jewelry
so tacky
it's like a tramp stamp in the front, ruins a perfectly good view
so tacky
it's like a tramp stamp in the front, ruins a perfectly good view
I will say this... Flyers have some hot bitches rocking their jerseys in pics. Dumb New England broads. However, i think the Cali teams take the cake in that dept. Some of those Sharks and Kings pics are friggin awesome.
Yea that Sharks video from a few weeks back had me seriously contemplating my loyalties
Those black jerseys that teams will never use that the NHL Shop is selling are pretty fucking nice, I must admit
Wish they would wear them once. Wouln't feel as gimmicky.
Detroit Home, Detroit Away, Detroit Retro
What are these hot pics you speak of?
I think this is what he's talking about. You may want to turn the volume down.
Detroit Home, Detroit Away, Detroit Retro
thread title is "current" favorite jerseys