Banned in Europe
Relievers coming in and walking the leadoff sets me off. Id compare that to LOB frustration.
Just so we're clear the answer is you would rather your team lose?
It takes all kinds I guess.
What pisses me off even more than the options given is having a runner at 3rd with less than 2 outs and failing to get him home.
What pisses me off even more than the options given is having a runner at 3rd with less than 2 outs and failing to get him home.
It eerks me more when my team leaves too many men on base because that usually equates to a loss. so I would much rather a team lose and not have the opportunities squandered with multiple lob's
It irks me when my team loses because of that but more often than not I don't even notice when they win.
You a Cubs fan?
No, why?