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what is the status of the rebuild ?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Redskins' roster improving, but more needed to be Super Bowl contender

For a few weeks, some have asked about the Washington Redskins' roster -- is it championship caliber? Or just rebuilding? And two names that will be worth watching in the summer, for different reasons, are tight end Vernon Davis and linebacker Preston Smith. All of these topics are addressed. Thanks to@RedskinsRecon, @FoFotyFo and @rochaser.

On if this is a championship roster or are they rebuilding: I wouldn’t say it’s either. They have a few more parts to add to make it a championship roster, but to view them as rebuilding, which suggest they’re coming off a bad season, isn’t accurate either. But are they still building? Of course. Only one team won the Super Bowl last season, and even Denver is building. Washington did not beat a team with a winning record last year (early prediction: that will change in 2016), which suggests more work must be done. The Redskins have built a playoff-contending roster, which has intrigue in some parts and big questions in others. That makes them like a lot of teams. To reach championship level, they need more elite-level players on defense. Can Josh Norman and a healthy Junior Galette take them there? They’d certainly help, but Redskins fans more than anyone should know the dangers of offseason promise. And I’ll say this, too: Those in charge understand where the Redskins are at in terms of their talent base. It’s growing, but needs a bit more. They're eyeing a long-term fix and if certain players develop then they'll continue pushing in the right direction.

Niles Paul appears ahead of schedule in his recovery, but when they signed Davis, they had not yet seen him on the field. If Paul is OK, then there’s good depth in case Davis has nothing left (I’m guessing Denver fans will tell you he doesn’t). With the weapons in the passing game, Davis should be nothing more than an occasional option. I wonder what sort of matchups he’d get in certain sets – if, say, he’s on the field with Reed and receivers DeSean Jackson and Pierre Garcon. It should be favorable, which is why most of the time they just need him to win down the seams. I don’t know what Davis has left because we haven’t seen him on the field. I know what he has done, or hasn’t done, the last two years. He’ll have to be better, but it’s not as if the Redskins season will fall apart if he isn’t.

On Preston Smith’s role: This will be a fun one to watch as he develops. He was definitely playing a lot more toward the end of the season and if he truly learned a lot his rookie season about preparation, effort and more then he has the talent to become a very good player. But they also have Ryan Kerrigan and Junior Galette. Still, as has been oft mentioned, the Redskins use their sub-packages at least 75 percent of the time. That means Smith will play quite a bit. Assuming Galette starts opposite Kerrigan, Smith would still get plenty of reps in their base set just to give others a break. But Smith offers them someone who could rush standing up or as an end in certain packages. I’d like to see a stunt with him and Galette. Or with Smith and one of the linemen, allowing the 6-foot-5 Smith and his long arms to crash the middle. They can often use three-linebacker sets in which all three are up (one would likely be behind the linemen). There are a lot of ways to deploy him. And the key for Washington is that it appears to have three solid pass-rushing outside linebackers. If one gets hurt, for a game or an extended period, they have some depth.

this what kiem says . i feel we are still a few proven pieces short of being a perennial division contender

we are getting younger and the talent is improving but we still could use proven talent in the center of the o/line , ilb , safety and the d/line and at RB

i see us having the potential to be 10-6 if we are healthy , the young guys improve , and they are coached well . the schedule is tougher so 8-8 or 9-7 could be in the mix . a losing record would be a setback in my opinion because it would mean we missed on some players


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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This should be a very telling year. No doubt Scot has done a very good job bringing in his type of players as well as adding talent across the board. We still have a few holes (DL, S, OG/C, ILB) that must be addressed before we can be considered a contender. We also have a few question marks that this year should answer (QB, RB). We have to be considered a playoff contender, and if all goes right, maybe even win a game or two in the playoffs. But I see us at least a year away and need another good offseason to be considered a SB contender.

Having said this, we have seen stranger things happen. Our passing offense should be very potent. IF we can counter that with an above average running game, we could be a force to be reckoned with. On the D side, if we can stop teams from getting 4-5yds per rush on 1st down and force them into obvious passing situations on 2nd and 3rd, that could play right into our strengths. I'm anxious to see Kerrigan, smith, and Galette on the field together going after the QB. I predict havoc result, leading to multiple turnovers. Finally, we need some luck in the health area. We have had way too many injuries to key players over the last few years. Hopefully this will be our year to keep a fairly intact starting roster. The good news is that we actually have some decent depth in some areas (TE, Secondary, OLB), but are pretty thin in others (RB, OG). IF the majority of these fall our way, we will surprise many this year.


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The next step would be a playoff win.


warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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I dont buy into this shit. Not SB contenders. Curious if They said Carolina were SB contenders this time last year. Pretty sure not after their season prior. Bottom line... Each year the unexpected happens... Teams who are projected to be good arent and teams who are said to suck have great years. Its fun to talk about these types of opininated articles but they really hold no water.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Truth is, we have an offense that can score enough to win.

We have pass rushers who can change the game.

We have a secondary that can pick it off.

All we have to do is put it together and get hot at the right time. Yes, we can win the Super Bowl...odds say we won't.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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we havent had back to back winning seasons since 91-92 that should be a step

Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
Sep 2, 2014
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I dont buy into this shit. Not SB contenders. Curious if They said Carolina were SB contenders this time last year. Pretty sure not after their season prior. Bottom line... Each year the unexpected happens... Teams who are projected to be good arent and teams who are said to suck have great years. Its fun to talk about these types of opininated articles but they really hold no water.

I don't know about that. Sure there are surprises every year, reason #124 why the NFL is better than the NBA or College football where everyone pretty much knows who will be there, but here were last years playoff teams. Not too many surprises from the preseason predictions:

Green Bay

Darrell Green Fan

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Back to the article I think it's a very fair assessment. It says what we all know, we are on the way but not there yet. I still go back to the schedule. Again some teams will be better or worse than what we think but it's still going to be a tough out of conference lineup when at Baltimore is one of the "easy" games based on last year's record.


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Jul 8, 2013
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I don't know about that. Sure there are surprises every year, reason #124 why the NFL is better than the NBA or College football where everyone pretty much knows who will be there, but here were last years playoff teams. Not too many surprises from the preseason predictions:

Green Bay

ESPN NFL commentators' Super Bowl, MVP picks

You are correct to a certain degree in that the majority of those teams were considered contenders going into the season. However - there were some noteable teams that failed to reach the playoffs (Colts, Eagles, Ravens) & some shockers such as the Redskins.

Take a look at this list of predictions from ESPN heading into the season. It is a pretty long list & nobody picked the Broncos to win the SB (& only 3 picked them to make the SB). Absolutely nobody picked the Panthers to be in the SB ( you have to remember that they didn't look that great in the previous season).

The majority of analysts picked the Colts to be the AFC rep & picked either the Packers or Colts to win the SB (& many picked the Eagles). Obviously injuries played a key role in this, but injuries will also be a factor this season. As you alluded to - this is what makes the NFL better & more entertaining than other sports. Should be fun to watch this unfold this season.


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Jul 19, 2013
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ESPN NFL commentators' Super Bowl, MVP picks

You are correct to a certain degree in that the majority of those teams were considered contenders going into the season. However - there were some noteable teams that failed to reach the playoffs (Colts, Eagles, Ravens) & some shockers such as the Redskins.

Take a look at this list of predictions from ESPN heading into the season. It is a pretty long list & nobody picked the Broncos to win the SB (& only 3 picked them to make the SB). Absolutely nobody picked the Panthers to be in the SB ( you have to remember that they didn't look that great in the previous season).

The majority of analysts picked the Colts to be the AFC rep & picked either the Packers or Colts to win the SB (& many picked the Eagles). Obviously injuries played a key role in this, but injuries will also be a factor this season. As you alluded to - this is what makes the NFL better & more entertaining than other sports. Should be fun to watch this unfold this season.

Who picked the Eagles? I thought the team was Dallas last year. When Romo went down it just opened up the division for everyone.


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Who picked the Eagles? I thought the team was Dallas last year. When Romo went down it just opened up the division for everyone.

Take a look at the link - there were 4-5 people that picked the Eagles to win the whole thing. You have to think about how people viewed things at that time - not now. Remember - lots of people had very high hopes for the Eagles in preseason 2015. This was before people soured on Kelly, Bradford & Murray. Murray was still considered to be an elite back at that time. Only later did folks realize that this guy needs to be in the right system to do well.

I think that the feeling by many was that both the Eagles & Cowboys would have double digit wins & do well in the playoffs. The Redskins were considered to be 31st or 32nd in the league by many. This goes back to the whole feeling that things change quickly in the NFL - even though there are still constants like the Pats, Packers, Seahawks and Steelers.

Darrell Green Fan

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Take a look at the link - there were 4-5 people that picked the Eagles to win the whole thing. You have to think about how people viewed things at that time - not now. Remember - lots of people had very high hopes for the Eagles in preseason 2015. This was before people soured on Kelly, Bradford & Murray. Murray was still considered to be an elite back at that time. Only later did folks realize that this guy needs to be in the right system to do well.

I think that the feeling by many was that both the Eagles & Cowboys would have double digit wins & do well in the playoffs. The Redskins were considered to be 31st or 32nd in the league by many. This goes back to the whole feeling that things change quickly in the NFL - even though there are still constants like the Pats, Packers, Seahawks and Steelers.

I was just about to ask him to look at your link. So several people liked the Eagles last year. What a bunch of crackheads.


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I was just about to ask him to look at your link. So several people liked the Eagles last year. What a bunch of crackheads.

LOL. How about Sal Paolantonio picking the Eagles to win the SB & Murray to be the MVP. What a homer. No doubt he is already making a case for Wentz as rookie of the year (unless Bradford keeps the job in which case he will be lobbying for Bradford as league MVP). How about Eric Allen picking the Dolphins to win the AFC. Wake me up when they actually win that division or have a winning record.

Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
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LOL. How about Sal Paolantonio picking the Eagles to win the SB & Murray to be the MVP. What a homer. No doubt he is already making a case for Wentz as rookie of the year (unless Bradford keeps the job in which case he will be lobbying for Bradford as league MVP). How about Eric Allen picking the Dolphins to win the AFC. Wake me up when they actually win that division or have a winning record.

You know a closer look at the link shows the people picking the Eagles either had ties to the team or in one case went to Villanova. So that explains that. The only exception appears to be Ashley Fox and she's just a dumb old a girl and everyone knows girls don't know anythng about football.


Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
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Heh, figured ;)

And we all know there are no true females on the internet either...:nod:

Hell I was here close to a year before I knew you were a woman! That's because you have that "cool chick, one of the guys" thing going on. :thumb:


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i had no idea cali was a chick until that post. is this where we say 'OMG a GIRL!!!??!?!?' :lol: