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Well, I'm ready for 8-8 again.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Please don't lump me in with that group.

My biggest problem with this fan base is that as a whole Cowboys fans are very defensive to criticism. I don't understand why. This is a football team. Another man's play thing. Yet some of you want to go on like it's all peaches and cream around here, and can't stand to have your viewn challenged by others that don't agree with you. So sensitive that you have to go around calling strangers whiny bitches. Real classy!

Sure the hyperbole is a much sometimes. But so are your over reactions to criticism. And any other man who has to get his rocks up calling other internet posters "whiny bitches", clearly doesn't have much of a point to make...

What has complaining got you in the last 17 years with this team. I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around why complain when you know you will continue to be a fan no matter what. I understand venting every now & then but know fans beat a dead horse like Cowboy fans. Hell I am also a Cubs fan & they don't complaining half as much & the Cubs haven't win in over 100 years!!


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Aug 19, 2013
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He can put me in that group ..... but I don't think doom and gloom

From everything I have seen in this draft ...... IT'S PLANNED in advance

Jerry will never admit to rebuilding .... but he has damn sure put a nice new YOUNG O-line in place to protect a NEW YOUNG Qb in a few years ... and damn sure neglected to defense to ensure to coaching staff is gone after this year

I don't know if you mean him, me or Earl, but I'm not putting you in that group. I don't have a problem with you. As a matter of fact I'm not even putting him in that group. I don even know what he's said on here much. I haven't read most of what was posted in the last couple of days because there is nothing interesting or useful to read.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Jarntt, I did not intend to throw you in with that group. After I posted I tried to edit in that sentiment. I ran out of time.

No problem. Like I just said I wasn't even putting you in that group in the first place


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Aug 14, 2013
Charm City
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What has complaining got you in the last 17 years with this team. I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around why complain when you know you will continue to be a fan no matter what. I understand venting every now & then but know fans beat a dead horse like Cowboy fans. Hell I am also a Cubs fan & they don't complaining half as much & the Cubs haven't win in over 100 years!!

I agree, it's a bit much at times. I know! But this is the internet. Doesn't it go with the territory? Lol.

You can't have a debate, unless you have contrasting opinions. What is this board for, if not to debate the Cowboys?


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Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Jarntt you gotta admit ... going into that draft ..... the way most of us were thinking .... and to come out with what we did

emotions are high right now ...... and it was a shitty draft

I'm with you on that, but who knows. We all wanted Jerry to listen to his scouts and that is what he did apparently. He is going to fuck up trades, we know that and have to expect it. I love the first round pick and I like the kid we got in the second a lot also. I hate the trade and don't get it, but if they ones fly felt he was a first round talent and the last pass rusher they wanted I get why they did it. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it and I think it was a bad decision, but it could work out. I like the WR from Pitt too. The only early pick (ignoring the trade) I don't like was the 4th rounder. I want to here where they are going to play this kid.


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Jul 7, 2013
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I'm with you on that, but who knows. We all wanted Jerry to listen to his scouts and that is what he did apparently. He is going to fuck up trades, we know that and have to expect it. I love the first round pick and I like the kid we got in the second a lot also. I hate the trade and don't get it, but if they ones fly felt he was a first round talent and the last pass rusher they wanted I get why they did it. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it and I think it was a bad decision, but it could work out. I like the WR from Pitt too. The only early pick (ignoring the trade) I don't like was the 4th rounder. I want to here where they are going to play this kid.

they said after they took him ... play him inside So I took that as a back up middle Lber .... which means special teams with Lee here

We just had so many holes ... and you even agree the drop off in talent wasnt much .... damn sure not enough to give up a 3rd for .....

defense looks like cheese ..... and we got one situation pass rusher considered boom or bust .... that might eventually turn into an every down player ........

We fixed nothing on the defense :L

That was the worst in the league


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Aug 19, 2013
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The funny part is both of our first two picks are guys I mentioned that I wanted in those rounds. So for me it's just the trade. Whether Atlanta was going to take Lawrence or not, the team thought they might and liked him enough to burn that 3rd. I wouldn't have giving up that pick with all the talent still on the board when we did it. I would have found a way to come out of it with Martin, Jernigan and Crichton. We needed a pass rusher and they think its him. Who knows. What I wan to know is in this time of moving DEs around and interchangeable players when did we get so concerned about whether a guy was an RDE or a LDE? There are some guys that aren't big enough or strong enough to play on the strong side, but any pass rushing DE can play the weak side.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree, it's a bit much at times. I know! But this is the internet. Doesn't it go with the territory? Lol.

You can't have a debate, unless you have contrasting opinions. What is this board for, if not to debate the Cowboys?

I am for debating the play on the field, but these guys haven't even played a down & are already been called bums. Too each its own, I am just gonna fall back & continue to be entertained.


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Aug 14, 2013
Charm City
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I am for debating the play on the field, but these guys haven't even played a down & are already been called bums. Too each its own, I am just gonna fall back & continue to be entertained.

Some are calling them bums. Yea I get it. Putting the cart before the horse. You should know by now who to skip over reading around here....

Still, the decision making processes haven't seemed to change. That is the problem. Jerry hopes for the best and plans for the best. There is no contingency for when shit goes south. That is the problem.

"Hope for the best, plan for the worst" - something Jerry needs to take to heart.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Some are calling them bums. Yea I get it. Putting the cart before the horse. You should know by now who to skip over reading around here....

Still, the decision making processes haven't seemed to change. That is the problem. Jerry hopes for the best and plans for the best. There is no contingency for when shit goes south. That is the problem.

"Hope for the best, plan for the worst" - something Jerry needs to take to heart.

A leopard doesn't change it spots. They only grow bigger.....


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
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they said after they took him ... play him inside So I took that as a back up middle Lber .... which means special teams with Lee here

We just had so many holes ... and you even agree the drop off in talent wasnt much .... damn sure not enough to give up a 3rd for .....

defense looks like cheese ..... and we got one situation pass rusher considered boom or bust .... that might eventually turn into an every down player ........

We fixed nothing on the defense :L

That was the worst in the league

In fairness yes we were the worst in the league, but we were also the most injured. If guys can stay healthy the defense will be improved.


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Jul 7, 2013
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In fairness yes we were the worst in the league, but we were also the most injured. If guys can stay healthy the defense will be improved.


Melton career high was 9 sacks ...... Hatcher was better last year
Replace Ware with a project

Spencer, Melton, crawford ... all off injuries and no one knows how any will perform

we collect no depth ... created no position battles AT ANY POSITION (which has never been a good thing in Dallas)

right now ... untill they step on the field and prove different .... we are a worse defense than we were last year

Earl Stevens

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Jul 17, 2013
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Jarntt you gotta admit ... going into that draft ..... the way most of us were thinking .... and to come out with what we did

emotions are high right now ...... and it was a shitty draft

I agree, it was a shitty draft. Especially from a logical standpoint. But I'm used to it. That's why I'm not angry.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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Melton career high was 9 sacks ...... Hatcher was better last year
Replace Ware with a project

Spencer, Melton, crawford ... all off injuries and no one knows how any will perform

we collect no depth ... created no position battles AT ANY POSITION (which has never been a good thing in Dallas)

right now ... untill they step on the field and prove different .... we are a worse defense than we were last year

That's the beauty of sports. We need to wait to find out.


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Jul 7, 2013
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I agree, it was a shitty draft. Especially from a logical standpoint. But I'm used to it. That's why I'm not angry.

Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing ......... used to it ....:L

Earl Stevens

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Jul 17, 2013
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Melton career high was 9 sacks ...... Hatcher was better last year
Replace Ware with a project

Spencer, Melton, crawford ... all off injuries and no one knows how any will perform

we collect no depth ... created no position battles AT ANY POSITION (which has never been a good thing in Dallas)

right now ... untill they step on the field and prove different .... we are a worse defense than we were last year

Not that I I liked the fact that we signed Melton (because he's coming off of serious surgery), but if he's 100% healthy, I believe he is better than Hatcher. If you remember Romo's 5 Int game, then you have to remember how disruptive Melton was. Even if he's not getting sacks, he brings so much pressure from up the middle consistently throughout the course of a game. He is more disruptive than Hatcher in the running game and the passing game. He also has a higher motor. I believe Melton is an upgrade over Hatcher , but only if he is 100%. I rather take the risk on Melton money wise than overpay for Hatcher. Even though I didn't like the move that much, it could reap great rewards.

Earl Stevens

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Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing ......... used to it ....:L

It's a bad thing. The only time we've really had it good with drafts is when Parcells and Jimmy were here. Especially in the late rounds when Jimmy and Parcells did much better than Jerry.


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Aug 14, 2013
Charm City
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Not that I I liked the fact that we signed Melton (because he's coming off of serious surgery), but if he's 100% healthy, I believe he is better than Hatcher. If you remember Romo's 5 Int game, then you have to remember how disruptive Melton was. Even if he's not getting sacks, he brings so much pressure from up the middle consistently throughout the course of a game. He is more disruptive than Hatcher in the running game and the passing game. He also has a higher motor. I believe Melton is an upgrade over Hatcher , but only if he is 100%. I rather take the risk on Melton money wise than overpay for Hatcher. Even though I didn't like the move that much, it could reap great rewards.

Hatcher was pretty special last year. I would have to call it a wash between 2013 Hatcher and a healthy Melton. But considering Melton is coming off major knee surgery, I have to consider it a little bit of a downgrade, at least until I see Melton on the field healthy later this year. Financially, it was a no brainer.

I just wish we would of made an effort to grab a backup plan. As it stands, if Melton, Crawford and Spencer are damaged goods, this could be another long year on defense. Still bitter about Antony Hitchens...


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Jul 7, 2013
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It's a bad thing. The only time we've really had it good with drafts is when Parcells and Jimmy were here. Especially in the late rounds when Jimmy and Parcells did much better than Jerry.

I posted on my facebook earlier ... If I die due to liver disease .....(from drinking) I want my tombstone to say .... I died because Jerry Jones ran the Cowboys