Senior Member
Hey, dorks.
You're the one with a pocket protector, IT nerd.
whats inspecter lewis
Hey, dorks.
whats inspecter lewis
I don't have a pocket protector (anymore), chump.You're the one with a pocket protector, IT nerd.
I don't have a pocket protector (anymore), chump.
It's a British detective series.
im goin out for a smoke
Well okay, but keep him away from picnic tables and don't wear a Terelle Pryor jersey.
Ever watch Canadian TV?
LOL!!Well okay, but keep him away from picnic tables and don't wear a Terelle Pryor jersey.
No I wouldn't... I don't even wear shirts with pockets.Yea, but that's because pens are so much safer now.... Don't lie, if you could justify it with function, you'd wear it.
mackenzie brothers eh ?
rockess forgot my birthdayi was hoping for a pryor raiders jersey
canadian tv you say?
I'm sorry! Happy birthday!
And the only Canadian tv I watch is Holmes on Homes and Holmes Inspection...all the Canadian stuff on HGTV...