I like to waste their time when they come don't usually see them much.they have A compound down the street one of these days I should knock on their door and continue my discussion
I like to waste their time when they come don't usually see them much.they have A compound down the street one of these days I should knock on their door and continue my discussion
I would totally listen to you preach about Mako, Sony, and Jenova if you cam to my door. I would even offer you hot coco or an adult beverage of your choice.
Yeah, you gotta watch out fer those dadburn energy drinks. Epsecially ones with final fantasy on them. I would like one that is tater flavored though.
dont know havent seen pops hope you had good easters ax bear and dp
I was in a bad mood due to the Sabres blowing A lead and losing in ot to philly kind of exhausted spent the previous night baking.had to make a cheesecake,carrot cheesecake and canollis
You're also a Sabers fan?? Are they like your number 2 or something?
no I am a devils fan they are rivals plus my wife is a sabres fan
You Italians and your delicious cannolies. On a greater note, I have leftover lasagna.
Did you try my sauce recipe dp