Not a drunk
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I whine? You're crying about me being a mod, when I haven't done a god damned thing with it.
So............ You aren't yourself..... because you don't like who you really are???
Why anyone tries to be anything they are not is beyond me...... even if it's the "fake life" on the interwebs ...... What satisfaction do you get from being something/someone you are not on a fucking message board..... that is pretty lame
I am who I am....... I'm a alcholic/ I keep a good paying job(becuase I don't need alchohol- I just enjoy it on my time off)........ I love me huskers and broncos......... tim tebow can diaf........
Bye all. Dont need to listen to this crap....
I like to stick my dick into pussy.
Hows the not drinking going? Not something I would enjoy.