what lollipop thrower ya got for tomorrow?
Everything on the line, damn I love Omaha.
Saddly I missed damn near the whole thing. Had a class that wouldn't allow technology. No lie had my mom text me once every time LSU scored and twice consecutively when OSU scored. The vibration in my pocket help me keep track. Either way, whichever team loses man todays game is what Omaha is all about. The foul ball deal definately unfortunate, just further exposes the replay system. Either everything is reviewable or nothing is, either play with full on human error or ensure the right call. Anything close should be played out though, ump screwed up from what I hear.you boyz made it happen today…with the help of the ump's call on Kwon's fucking fair ball called a foul.
jus sayin… bring the A-game.
As an LSU fan, I will say it for Oregon State... this home plate ump is awful.