Captain Spaulding
odds of winning the Grand Prize are 1:9,223,372,036,854,775,808.” That’s 1 in 9 quintillion and change. See the image below for what a mere 1 quintillion pennies would look like (the larger white sliver is the Empire State Building).
Another way to think about it: If all 317 million people in the U.S. filled out a bracket at random, you could run the contest for 290 million years, and there’d still be a 99 percent chance that no one had ever won.
2 sports message boards go down since last year and we cant even get a third of the entries we had last year??
I think the money for the billion $ challenge is pretty safe. Maybe I'll have my daughter make my picks for the $billion.
took less than 5 minutes to fill out my bracket....write the check already buffett.