Gold Member
Did you guys try the thing for how many people have your same name in the US?
Yeah, it said there was one of my name.
I'm a junior, and my Dad was named after an uncle...That makes 3 with the same name.
Did you guys try the thing for how many people have your same name in the US?
Yeah, it said there was one of my name.
I'm a junior, and my Dad was named after an uncle...That makes 3 with the same name.
Did you guys try the thing for how many people have your same name in the US?
Yeah, it said there was one of my name.
I'm a junior, and my Dad was named after an uncle...That makes 3 with the same name.
Said only three of me.
My last name was only 520.
My wife has a rare name and since she married me, it says there
Are 1 or fewer of her.
She is pretty tiny but........
Well, better go load up my shit for tomorrow.
Want to get out early and back home at a decent hour. Hopefully.
Catch you folks later.
mornin all