Cali Steel
Poster Extraordinaire !!
Time for some baseball.
Shit this working is getting the way of my fun.
Shit this working is getting the way of my fun.
I don't know about that,a lot of people believe in it,and I have spent countless hours in the wild and have seen and heard things I can't explain,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so yeah laugh if you will but I'm a believer
Wasn't laughing. To each his own. I would like to think with all the technology we have,we could of found this "bigfoot" by now. We can find Bin Ladin and Hussein all over the world but we cant seem to find this man animal.
It kinda reminds me of this place we have here. Chop House,fine dining and pricey. Look it up if ya want.
Detroit pitcher Fister was hit with a linedrive right off the top of his head,,,tough SOB he stayed in
Any of you guys expecting to get hit by this storm