Gun Control,,,,not likely
The drama queen left again!?
that was the final straw,,,,right here
I seen that,it was both sides. You play with fire,ur going to get burnt! He knows that and keeps doing it. You cant make friends with people,when all you want to do is be negative all the time and get things started. Proof is in the puddin! I dont want him or you guys to take this wrong but he's a grown man and knows what he's doing. I know he'll come back on here and read this and give me shit.Its just my opinion though.
Okay so you point counter point with someone on another thread and they best you or not. Apparently there was a disagreement, fuck so I am taking my ball and going home. Fuck really why venture out if you know they are there and you don't want to hear/see it. You are either looking for it or , well, formulate your own end to that sentence.
Like i said before,proof is in the puddin! You ask and you shall recieve. But ur right ms!![]()
we hope he comes back but that is up to GG
some of you think I thrive on all the bullshit and look for it,,,that is wrong,,,anyone on the hoop should be able to go on any thread they want and have their own opinion without having a group jump them just because you won't see it their way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I refuse to suck up to the assholes,I have my own opinons and those who don't like them ,,,well that is just to bad
I defend myself and that makes me the bad guy,,,as MS puts it a drama queen and old Blue is right there with him in that opinion,,,,,fine anyone who wants to think that way is narrow minded,,,and I don't care who you are
we all bitched about fox when they started the bans on people I can now see why they do it they wanted people not to have to fight with others just for showing up,,,,,,there would be a lot less of us here if the hoop had tighter rules,,,,,
as for if I stay or go,,,,it's not up to me,,,that's is up to GITM
there isn't really anything else to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,