Gun Control,,,,not likely
shit 2 of my guys are out of the race,,,I never thought Johnson would not finish this race
I remember when Tony Stewart was just starting. he was doing an interview and they asked him how the garages were different between IRL and NASCAR was. He said (paraphrased) "Well, it is a lot easier to communicate between teams in NASCAR. In the Indy garage you hear three or four different languages, but here everyone speaks English.....except Ward, I still have no idea what the hell he is saying most of the time."
That cracked me up.
I remember when Tony Stewart was just starting. he was doing an interview and they asked him how the garages were different between IRL and NASCAR was. He said (paraphrased) "Well, it is a lot easier to communicate between teams in NASCAR. In the Indy garage you hear three or four different languages, but here everyone speaks English.....except Ward, I still have no idea what the hell he is saying most of the time."
That cracked me up.
That's too damn funny.
again, she's not point racing then, unless someone else is gonna drive that 10 car the rest of the season. It just seems like a wasted effort if they aren't running a full schedule.
how many of you had Jeffy G?
What part of do not push on the left side of the bumper do these drivers not understand?